Sunday, March 29, 2020

Pre-Passover, thoughts on the go, posted Post-Passover!

For the LORD is a great God 
and a great King above all gods.

Psalm 95:3

Note:  This post is from last year (Spring 2019)  before Passover, and I never ended up posting it.
Somehow I saw it today when I was going to edit a post, it was in "drafts".   I didn't purposely mean to post it but I posted it.  That seemed strange but as it was what it was, I decided to leave it!!! And see how it speaks to us today!! Hope it blesses someone or speaks even to me in some way about this Year's Passover--and actually I just read it and amazingly, it completely does speak of this year "where God's people are some here, some there, may we all join our hearts as One , as we prepare for the ultimate Redemption..."(read on!)


(Note:  I started this post "on the go" before Passover, so it is from  a few weeks  past already!  I was too rushed to post !!  I went "up" to Tokyo for Passover.  
 I made a trip to Tokyo to have Passover with my daughter, and attend a community seder on the second night.  These were  pictures, before my Passover "journey"to Tokyo! Of sharing a matzah and grape juice "communion" before actual Passover.  Just sharing it now as we can always eat the bread and drink the cup as Yeshua tells us to and as the first Passover was taken in a rush to get out of Egypt, this "Passover to-go" set reminds me of getting rid of anything we still may be enslaved to and set out in this season free of those things that are full of "hametz", and trade them in for those qualities fitting for being freed as a child of God.)

As I am scurrying to get ready, to have the house cleaned of all the hametz.   I confess (?!) I started eating matzah already, sharing in communion even over a week before Passover.  Things with leaven already look heavy, bread so puffed up, and sinful!  I am ready for the week of matzah, and no leaven.  Today I had matzah standing up.   Because in my cleaning I still had things around and there was no place to sit. When standing up  I think of the Israelites who were commanded to eat the Passover in haste, not leaving anything leftover.  They were to stand.  In preparation to leave quickly for their Exodus.

Exodus 12:10~11

Being set free happens at once and yet once set free there is still our lifetime to work out our salvation.  At moments like these when we realize or start to , what it means to be set free and die to ourselves, sometimes we can't even sit down.  And surely there are those moments when we can't even stand up, and have to kneel down and cry in sheer thanks to our Saviour for the finished work of what He has done for us.   But the work we need to do is not finished, our work to come together as One in Him.  On this holiday where God's people are some here, some there, may we all join our hearts as One , as we prepare for the ultimate Redemption...Well, these are just some thoughts on the go on the day before Passover!!

I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.  Just as I have loved you, so also you must love one another.  By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
John 13:34~35

Many blessings...Love to all  and a Chag Sameach Pesach!!

For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you—that the Lord Yeshua, on the night He was betrayed, took matzah; and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “This is My body, which is for you. Do this in memory of Me.” In the same way, He also took the cup, after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in memory of Me.” For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.

―1 Corinthians 11:23-26

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Parsha Vayikra--Entering the book of Leviticus, Matzah Challah-cast, and Cherry Blossoms Peek!

When you present an offering of meal baked in the oven, (it shall be of) choice flour:  unleavened cakes with oil mixed in, or unleavened wafers spread with oil.  
Leviticus 2:4

וְכִי תַקְרִב קָרְבַּן מִנְחָה, מַאֲפֵה תַנּוּר--סֹלֶת חַלּוֹת מַצֹּת בְּלוּלֹת בַּשֶּׁמֶן
וּרְקִיקֵי מַצּוֹת מְשֻׁחִים בַּשָּׁמֶן.

As my blog has a theme of  "challah"  and I like to find connections between Challah and Torah, you may not be surprised that I got excited when reading about the "grain offering" in this week's parsha.  This time its the first time I noticed the word "Challah" in the scripture above. 
Unleavened wafers (cakes)  in the English is "Challot Matzot" in Hebrew!!!
If you can find it in your heart to share in my enthusiasm, please do read on !!!
Making Matzah!
In the recipe for making matzah, after it is baked there is the instruction to "anoint the matzah"!
I never read that in a recipe before, and I must say it helped me to "draw near" to the LORD in this matzah-making time!!  If you have never made matzah before, be encouraged to try!!! First, its much simpler than challah, and technically (halachically, according to the Jewish tradition) has to be done from start to finish in 18 minutes for Passover purposes!! So if you have a little time and want to try it for this year, please do!!

I'm hoping  to be able to get  a box or so of Matzah  for Passover, but just in case am "practicing" making Matzah!!

Of course, The Children of Israel didn't have the luxury of "practicing",  and had to just to it and prepare the dough right away and carry the dough with them on their Exodus!!

Passover amazingly always comes at the time of the Cherry Blossoms!! This year Nissan 1,  the first of Nissan, was also just when the first blossoms opened!! I find that amazing, as the day is always different on the Hebrew calendar, and there is not a "set day" that cherry blossoms open, and yet the past few years that I have been "living on the Hebrew calendar" I have noticed that each year!!

It feels very Messianic that God's commanded first day of Springtime and first month of the year is announced in His creation with the opening of the first cherry blossoms!!  I always say I look forward to the day when the people of Japan will know their Messiah Yeshua and the glorious time under the blossoms will be a time of worship and celebration of Him!!! May it be swiftly and in our day!!

This year it may be a little quiet for cherry blossom picnics, but thankfully the blossoms blossom and the fragrance of resurrection and renewal is in the air!!  And who knows, maybe it will be just this year when the people of Japan look up to a salvation Sky and receive their Saviour as  the "sakura" blossom all throughout Japan.

Nissan, as you know, is a month of miracles!   

As a friend wrote in a message to me, I will share this:
"Get ready to pass over!"  

That message encouraged me tremendously!!

This is the Matzah recipe I used HERE  if you'd like to try it!!

And this (below) is my Matzah Challah-cast for this first week of Nissan!  
The Challah-cast is a little under 11 minutes if you are moved to watch it and  to make matzah, you can try it!! I also share some of my "drash" (related discussion!!") in the upload, so I'll keep the text here in this post brief as the photos are many!!

Time to start removing the "hametz", and change the header to "unleavened" bread!!
 Much Love and blessings all!!

Shayndel (dba Joanne's Challah-cast)

Notes:  The recipe also calls for salt to be sprinkled on the matzah.  I love this recipe! Anointed with oil and sprinkled with salt!
Yeshua, the anointed One, tells us we are to be salt (Matthew 5:13)!! I found that connection so interesting to read this scripture in Leviticus in light of Yeshua's words, as  we ourselves are  to be the salt.

You shall season your every offering of meal with salt; you shall not omit from your meal offering the salt of your covenant with God; will all your offerings you must offer salt.    Leviticus 2:13

Shabbat Shalom!! (not Passover yet, but making "unleavened cakes" to prepare, in this week of parsha Vayikra!

Anointed, salted "challot matzot"-- Matzah!-- on the Shabbat Table in this week of Parsha Vayikra--entering the book of Leviticus
Cherry blossoms first blossoms so perfectly calling in the month of Nissan,the month of springtime

The matzah is "Pierced" and calls to us to remember Messiah Yeshua who was pierced for our transgression
And by His stripes we are healed!

Take, and eat!  
This is my body, given up for you.
Matthew 26:26

Messianic Japan!!
Welcoming Messiah Yeshua to Japan!!
Yeshua, Japan welcomes you!!

xoxo Declared with Love, 
by Shayndel

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Gardener is where you are--- a New Nisan 1 Story!

Abide in Me and I will abide in you.      
                                                                      John 15:4
As you abide in Him, know He is there.  
Watering your dreams.
Nourishing the seeds deep in your heart.
He planted them there.
He makes all life blossom and grow.
He hasn't forgotten them.  
Even your tears, that water helps them grow.
The flower that you are blossoming into is beautiful and unique.

The way you are growing into who He created you to be is perfect.  
With all the twists and turns.  Look,
you may not see it but
He just trimmed a branch you don't need anymore.
It's gone.  The tree is being pruned.  He is doing the pruning as we speak.

When He cut the branch, you didn't know it did you?  That's how He works. 
But there it is beneath His feet.  So now,
Look up!
The sparrows sing. 
We're in the Garden.  
Walk with Me, 
He says!!

Its the First of Spring!!

Nissan 1, 5780
Happy Nisan 1!!!*

*Nisan 1 is the first day of Spring on God's calendar!!!It's today!!  This story--words and pictures-- is something God showed me today and I was encouraged by it, hope it blesses you! Much Love!!

Friday, March 20, 2020

A Special Challah-Cast Message --this Shabbat's for You!!!

And the LORD said to Moses: Speak to the Israelite people and say:  Nevertheless, you must keep My sabbaths, for this is a sign between Me and you throughout the ages, that you may know that I the LORD have consecrated you.          Exodus 31:12

Dear Friends,

I have a special Challah-cast Message for you!!!
This Shabbat's for you!! Hope you will watch in time for this Shabbat, got it ready and sent off just in time to wish you a Shabbat Shalom!!

Believing for God's great plan for healing and restoration will come from this time of  having to "Rest" in our homes, and that beauty and truth will be revealed in marvelous ways out of the challenge of the situation we are facing.
May the LORD bless you abundantly and give you His great Shalom on this Shabbat and Shabbat HaChodesh Nisan!!

Much Love,

Shayndel (and Joanne's Challah-Cast productions!)

Hope you enjoy this week's Challah-cast!

PS trying out a larger font size, how is it for you??? Please let me know if its better for you to read this post and if you notice any difference on your screen! thank you!

And to note:  just as I was processing this upload I saw there was released a declaration by the Pope Frances (which he had made in 2018 but was just picked up upon again now)  in an Israel newspaper, he was encouraging believers to observe the Sabbath in the way the Jewish people observe it!! 
 You can find the news article in the Times of Israel which was released  here!!
The clip caught the eye of Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, a leading Israeli rabbi.
“You probably won’t believe it, but the Pope called on the inhabitants of the world to keep the Sabbath like the Jews,” he said, according to the Jewish Press. “It is unbelievable. Those who have decreed that we will not keep Shabbat now understand what the value of Shabbat is.
                                   ---From theTimes of Israel article,  here!!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Instructions (in progress), almost Nisan 1~~!!!

Today God asked me to wear a worship dress when I make challah.
He has never asked me to do that before!!

And my Shalom apron!!

So I will obey and begin to make the challah now.

Oh wait, but first, clear the table and the room have the Shabbat candles prepared on the table.

This Shabbat, He reminded me to check, is ......Shabbat HaChodesh.

Oh!! LORD, thank you !! That means it will soon be the new month of Nisan!!! Nisan, the month of springtime, the month of Deliverance and Redemption.

This is one of the holiday Shabbat between Purim and Pesach.   I still have all my Purim decorations on the table, and I hear its time to clear them and prepare my heart and myself for Passover and the Spring Feasts.

I also just realized this Shabbat we are finishing the book of Exodus!! Chazak, Chazak, V'nit Chazek!! Be strong, be strong and let us strengthen one another!!
Blessings to all and Shabbat Shalom!!♡
(Photos:  first cherry blossom this year seen at the "root" of the tree, and first butterfly(photo to follow, seen earlier this week)!

Parsha and Holiday readings for this Shabbat HaKodesh:

HaChodesh  The Month (Nisan begins civil year on the Hebrew calendar)
Exodus 12:1~20
Ezekiel  45:16~46:18 

Parsha VaYakhel and Pekudei
Exodus 35:1 ~45:38
1Kings 7:13~26 (Seph.), 40~50 (Ash), Hebrews 8:1~12, 9:1~11

Monday, March 16, 2020

Shift the Atmosphere with Praise and Worship ---Challenge!!

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD , 
as the waters cover the sea.

Habakkuk 2:14 

I hope dear friends you and your loved ones are well and experiencing the shalom of God which surpasses all understanding even despite of or  even in some way in the midst  of the situation in the world.
I know its a difficult time but still I like to look to the positive and have been inspired by challenges people are putting forth and one such is to believe God to shift the atmosphere, as we go out with praise and worship!!! Praise God!!
Yesterday I went out in the morning to worship and take the "Shift the Atmosphere" Challenge that a worship sister proposed.  People all around the world are lifting up banners to the same song, asking God to shift the atmosphere.   Can you feel it shifting?  May we turn to Him, look up, praise Him for giving us this chance to come together as one and seek His face, as we believe in Him to heal our land(s) , heal the sickness and take away disease, and move the mood from fear to faith and prepare for an outpouring of His heavenly anointing as His Glory fills the earth!!!
  I am believing that after the National Day of Prayer, and with all those who are taking the shift the atmosphere challenges in all the various forms of prayer and praise, that God is hearing and indeed things are shifting!! Remember that faith is hope in the things unseen!!
If you would like to take the challenge, I will post the simple steps below!! 

Simple steps for the Shift the Atmosphere challenge!(posted by a friend on fb, if you are not on fb of course you can still do it whether you post it somewhere or not!!!)

Here's the challenge...
1. get a set of flags
2. Come out (front yard, backyard, sidewalk)
3. Play this song..
Atmosphere Shift (feat. Phil Thompson)
4. Believe in God to change this atmosphere!
5. Post your video to your Facebook page
5. Share on your page and get all faithful around the world involved!
Only God can! Let's be a vessel of change!
Who's with me?
  Simply go out with flags or banner, and if you don't have flags or banner, just wave your arms up to the heavens or use whatever you have to make a wave offering to the LORD .  Even a simple wave of the arm can move the heavens if done with a heart of worship.  Our wave offerings actually can and do "drive out the occupant" and shift the atmosphere~~!!

The original call for this was to do it at a particular time, and they are still doing it at 10AM on Saturdays.  But you can do this anytime as well!!! I  think you can see others who participated HERE or search through this tag if you are on other social media: #atmosphereshiftchallenge

2.    The link for the song that is being given for this is HERE, Atmosphere Shift  by Jubilee Worship If you use this song, it is a good way of unifying our hearts and intents, but again, even if you don't use this song, just going out and offering up a praise in Worship and the intent to ask God to shift the atmosphere , is good!! May we offer a rich and varied color beautiful tapestry of flags and waves up to heaven and may the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable to You LORD!!

PS Today, a few days after these postings, I had a sense of returning to the Garden of Eden.  It struck me as we are being asked to avoid contacts and indoor gathering and with so much surrendered.  When I was walking outside I felt what's left?  Us and God!!  Just as it was in the beginning!!  I am asking Him to help me and to help us, see that wonderful blessing in itself, as we walk with Him into the upcoming days!!.

Praise the LORD for He is good,
for His lovingkindness endures forever.  
Psalm 136:1



Sunday, March 15, 2020

National Day of Prayer Service with Jentezen Franklin

May the LORD bless you and keep you and Shine His Face upon you and give you His great



(This is the prayer service that President Trump announced 
that you would be watching on the National Day of Prayer! We Praise You God!!)


Saturday, March 14, 2020

President Trump declares a National Day of Prayer--this Sunday March 15!

 At this very hour He was healing many of diseases, sicknesses, and evil spirits; 
and He granted sight to many who were blind.       
Luke 7:21

 Yeshua said to him, "I'll come and heal him".                    
 Matthew 8:7

Call upon Me in the day of trouble.   When I rescue you, you will honor Me.
Psalm 50:15

I interrrupt my regular programming about Challah and Cherry Blossoms to put in this post about the prayer day tomorrow.  You probably all already know this, but just didn't want anyone to miss it.

Agreeing with the President, for all to turn towards prayer in an act of faith.   Praise God for our President's announcement, and for his turning to the only One who is in control of all things, and acknowledging that it is God who guards and protects!! May the name of the LORD Yeshua be glorified, and the world will see that it is He alone who Saves!! 

And related to the President's announcement , If anyone is moved to watch this video link, in it Sid Roth, the Messianic Jewish host of its Supernatural has a word to share!! He tells of a letter with a word from a rabbi  that this National Day of Prayer would be declared by the President and that it will be effective and Victory won!!  and that ”Global Glory" will be released.  There is a Purim tie in too, so I am not veering completely off the blog topics!!!

" Let's pray!
& read Psalm 91 morning and evening aloud and personalize it!"
when My people, over whom My Name is called, humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and will heal their land. 
                                                                             2Chronicles 7:14
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom to all!!
Peace be with you.


I f   you don't watch the whole video, I will share the very last part which is a gift for us and our loved ones!! It is the best protection of all!
 Just say this aloud and mean it to the best of your ability.
It is the prayer for Salvation!! 
Much Love!!

Dear God

I am a sinner

Against you and you alone have I sinned

I believe that Jesus died for my sins

He was buried and He rose from the dead

and He’s seated at the right hand of God  the Father right now

And because of His blood

my sins are washed away

I am clean

Not because of me

Not because of anything I’ve done

But because of the goodness of God

and I ask you Jesus now that I’m clean

To be my LORD and Saviour

And live inside of me

and give me your love for people and give me your love for YOU

You’re so good , God.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Happy Purim!! My Purim card to you (a little topsy turvy at that!)

 My Purim Card to you,
From Shushan, Japan, to Kalamazoo 
Choose to rejoice in all you do!!

Times may be tough and the going is rough,
but we know that we're here in this beautiful life
that was given to us as a marvelous gift 
from our Heavenly Father who loves us like you  wouldn't believe (but do...believe!), 

He loves us so much He gave us His one and only son to die for us.

Let us enter into His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with Praise!!
Acknowledge Him for all our days!!

He is our Deliverer and He could Deliver us tomorrow, but somehow there must still be more He wants us to learn .  I just learned that Hamantashen are called Haman's ears because ---- because of him and his evil plot, the Jewish people came together and  "inclined their ear" to God and took action. 

What is it we are supposed to be hearing in our times now??? 

Here are some Hamantashen, to enjoy while you ponder that question!  Everybody doesn't like something, but nobody doesn't like Hamantashen!! (I learned that tonite too!!))
cheery blossoms hamantashen (cherry blossoms!)

Blessings and Blossoms and Love!

May the fear of the LORD spread!

Even in dire situations, the Jewish rabbis say that we MUST rejoice and be joyous on Purim!! That the world will try as hard as it may to take that joy away 
 but they say we are not to give in to it.  Not on Purim!! and not ever!

It reminds me of these two scriptures,

Rejoice in the Lord always--again I will say, rejoice!         Philippians 4:4
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Messiah Yeshua our Lord.  Romans 8:38~39

Welcome to Shushan ! ?!  photo credit thank you to purim party-er dear miss k  ♡    

Chag Sameach!!
Happy Purim!!   Love,  ♡ Shayndel

Saturday, March 7, 2020

We must spread happy day

To be continued...


Purim Sending and giving -- Mishloach Manot!

 Mordecai recorded these events.  And he sent dispatches to all the Jews throughout the provinces of King Ahasuerus, near and far, charging them to observe the fourteenth and fifteenth days of Adar, every year---the same days on which the Jews enjoyed relief from their foes and the same month which had been transformed for them from one of grief and mourning to one of festive joy.  They were to observe them as days of feasting and merry making, and as an occasion for sending gifts to one another and presents to the poor.            --Book of Esther 9:20~22

The month of Adar on the Hebrew calendar is a month of joy, and as the scripture above from the book of Esther states, it is "transformative" joy, as the days of mourning and grief were turned to those of festive joy.

Giving and sending Mishloach Manot--food gifts-- is a wonderful part of Purim.
Just as the scripture says, it is part and parcel of the Purim holiday to "send gifts to one another and presents to the poor."

I have been making Hamantashen and packing them to to send to those who are far and made some to give out to those near!!  Where I live no one in the "province" knows about Purim, so its also a way of sharing about Purim and about the God of Purim!! The God of Israel!!

Sometimes the best way to share about Him is simply to do an act of kindness.   I think that is a lot of what Purim is about!! 

"The Blossoming Challah" seasonal delivery---Hamantashen anywhere in Japan!!
A lot is "hidden" in the holiday of Purim!

Guess who this one is going to?  Hint it's from "Mom" ♡

You can read about the Feast of Purim in the Book of Esther, which is read on the holiday of Purim!!!
This year is the first time I sent Hamantashen, for sending I sent them by "frozen " shipping! Thankful for the TakyuBin Delivery service in Japan!

There is a lot that is "hidden" in Purim, including the fillings in the Hamantashen!!

From Shayndel, to YOU!!!

Cherry Blossoms Hamantashen and Prune Hamantashen are the varieties made here at Challah and Cherry blossoms!!

Cherry Blossoms Hamantashen! Made in Japan!!

Chag Sameach!!

Happy Purim!!

There are still a few days to prepare for Purim, if you would like to try making Hamantashen,
please see this my favorite Hamantashen recipe which is also in the "recipes" sidebar at right,
or click HERE for a tutorial for my
Cherry Blossoms Hamantashen
uniquely from Challah and Cherry Blossoms!! 

Much Love,

Thursday, March 5, 2020

A New Hallelujah-- a little story from today

 He will lead children and parents to love each other more, so that when I      come, I won't bring destruction to the land.
 Malachi 4:6  Contemporary English Version

I saw something wonderful this morning when I was coming back from a long walk along the river,

I saw a family. 
They were walking towards the river, as I was coming back onto the main road. 
They were a father, a mother and two elementary school age children--girls. 
The sun had come up over the river and they were bathed in God's light as they were walking excitedly to the river.   The mother and one daughter were holding hands, and the other girl was holding something like a kite or something to play with.  I could see their smiles and their joy at being together as a family.

The wonderful thing was just that!!  It was like a glimmer of precious beauty out of the days of the virus and all the negative news.  Amidst the background that in Japan for this whole month, all the schools are closed, many workplaces too are suspended and people are told to work from home.  Ordinarily it would be completely rare and just about "never" to see a family like this together on a weekday morning.  But from the situation we are in, this was possible !!  God shone His light on that family on this weekday morning and gave them this time together, to be suspended in a rest and such simple pleasures. 

It was something new that was coming out of the situation with the virus.  It was a spark and a moment, but it filled me with hope and a glimpse of something new that He is doing.

On my walk I had been adding a kind of rhythm to the walk with lifting up my arms in "Hallelujah",  with 1-2-3-4, right arm up, left arm up, Hallelujah! , 5-6-7-8, right arm down , left arm down, and again,

So when I saw this sight of the family who He brought together in a way only He can,  it added a new spring to my step.  Ready?  Set?  Arms up in praise, Hallelujah!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Special Request for Prayer from First Fruits of Zion--Updated

Shalom Friends,

I am sharing a special request for Prayer from First Fruits of Zion.

Please consider joining this Day of  Prayer and Fasting regarding the corona virus, and joining together with the day of the Esther Fast.
It is for March 9th.

You can find the details which I am copying HERE !!!!

This day of Fasting is also the day of the Esther Fast,  the day before Purim.
Jewish people around the world fast to remember the miracle and delivery and Salvation of the Jewish people that came about on Purim. Before the feast of Purim, the Jewish people take this day of fasting to give thanks for the miracle and redemption, which came about after Esther called on all God's people to a day of prayer and fasting in one accord.

The First Fruits of Zion is asking the Messianic Community to come together with the Jewish people on this day of fasting, so it is a powerful time to seek the LORD  in one accord , and to stand in the gap for His mercy regarding the corona virus, as well as giving us this prayer for healing and Salvation to pray for interceding in this time.

 I hope you will join in this day of fasting and prayer!!!

Blessings and Shalom in Messiah Yeshua,



Monday, March 2, 2020

Choose Your Mask!!! Purim is almost Here

These days should be remembered and observed in every generation by every family and in every province and every city.  These days of Purim should not fail from among the Jews, nor their remembrance perish from their descendants.        Book of Esther 9:28 

Choose your mask!!
Purim is almost here!! Proclaim His Name and His Victories from every province and every city!!

Let the Hamantashen making begin!!!

May we joyously move into the next Feast, the feast of Purim!!

You still have time to prepare!!

Stay tuned for an invitation to the banquet:))

Blessings and Shalom!
♡Love, Shayndel

(post edited)

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Parsha Terumah, Our Home is our "mishkan"!

Parsha Terumah

Our home as our "mishkan"!

 Your face, LORD, I seek.    Psalm 27:8

In this week's Parsha we read about the commandment God gave Moses to build the Tabernacle and all the details. The purpose was so that He could dwell there with His people!! I love this parsha and those to follow in the book of Exodus as the Tabernacle is specified and detailed and a few parsha later, erected. God's desire is dwell with us!!

How far we have gone as a "world" by pushing out His presence. May we welcome Him into our lives in every aspect of our being!! May we seek His face!!

 The Bread of the Presence in this parsha is the topic of this week's Challah-cast!  It includes the idea of thinking of our homes as a "mishkan" and of our selves as the place for Him to dwell!! *
Please enjoy it if you have the chance to watch and if this topic interests you:)) hope there might be anything that you learned from it or let me know  what you might like to see in them for future challah-casts!!

We invite Your presence,

note:*this idea of our homes as a "mishkan" is  spoken about by the Jewish sages how our homes should be a small sanctuary for God to dwell, in Hebrew "mikdash me'at"

And on the table you shall set the bread of the Presence, to be before Me always.
Exodus 25:30