Special Request for Prayer from First Fruits of Zion

Special Request
from First Fruits of Zion 

Shalom Friends,

I am posting this letter which is directly copied from a special request I received in an e-mail from First Fruits of Zion (FFOZ).  

It was like an answer to my prayer, as I have been wanting to share with you about the Esther Fast coming up for the Purim Feast (Fast before the Feast!!!).  This letter is for the Messianic Community to Join with the Jewish people all around the world in a day of Fast.  And this timely prayer request  calls us to combine with the Esther Fast a prayer for the times we are in as calls us to prayer in one accord regarding the Corona virus !! The text below is all directly from FFOZ.  You can find a link to a download for the prayer below, as well as I copied the text of the prayer in this post (sorry the copy did not format in the way it appears on the PDF, so please refer to the PDF as there may be some text errors in the copy here in my post due to the formatting).  

The day of the fast is Monday March 9th, which is the 13th day of the Hebrew month of ADAR, the day of the Esther Fast.   And at the end of the fast,  the joyous "Break the Fast" will be the FEAST of Purim!! 

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Text from FFOZ letter:

Will you join the Messianic Jewish community in a day of prayer and fasting regarding the Coronavirus Covid-19?

Since biblical times, the Jewish community has banded together to face the threat of plague and disease by declaring a day of prayer and fasting. The Talmud tells numerous stories of similar occasions when the Jewish community was faced with threats like infectious diseases. What did the Jewish people do? The leadership came together and agreed to declare a day of fasting as the prophet Joel did in response to the locust plague:

Consecrate a fast; call a solemn assembly; gather the people. Consecrate the congregation; assemble the elders; gather the children, even nursing infants. Let the bridegroom leave his room, and the bride her chamber. Between the vestibule and the altar let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep and say, "Spare your people, O LORD!" (Joel 2:15-17)

Today, the leadership in the Messianic Jewish community is asking us to pray along with the Jewish people and with Messianic Jewish communities in the name of Yeshua on a day of prayer and fasting against the devastating Covid-19 virus.

The Messianic Jewish community has designated Monday March 9 for a day of fasting to ask God for mercy on the people of China and the whole world in the name of our Master. On the Jewish calendar this year, March 9 is the date for the Fast of Esther, a fast day observed in memory of the three-day fast that the Jewish people of Persia undertook before Queen Esther went to appear before the king.

This year we are going to combine that traditional fast day with a special focus in prayer asking our Father in Heaven for mercy on his people and on all of his creatures. I invite you to issue the same summons to prayer and fasting in your local community of worship.

Here is a link to a PDF of a prayer we have composed to petition God for protection from the virus.

Prayer for Protection and Healing
Our Father in heaven, let our prayers be counted as incense before you,like the incense that Aaron the priest carried quickly to the congregation to make atonement for them—
“For wrath has gone out from the LORD; the plague has begun” (Numbers 17:11[16:46]). 

Let the sun of righteousness rise with healing in his wings, as it says, “He stood between the dead and the living, and the plague was stopped”

For how can we bear to see the harm that would befall our people? Spare your people,
O LORD, and do not make your heritage a reproach, as it says in the Torah of your servant Moses, “I will take sickness away from among you” (Exodus 23:25); “And the LORD will take away from you all sickness, and none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which you knew, will he inflict on you” (Deuteronomy 7:15); “I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, your healer” (Exodus 15:26). 

Compassionate Father who creates the cure before the affliction, heal us O LORD, and we will be healed. Save us and we will be saved. For you are our praise.
For your salvation I do wait, O LORD. Dispatch your salvation from Zion, as it says, “Whatever plague, whatever sickness there is, whatever prayer, whatever plea is made by any person or by all your people Israel, each knowing the affliction of his own heart and stretching out his hands toward this house.” Hear our prayers in heaven your dwelling place and forgive and act, that we may all fear you and live (1 Kings 8:37-40). 

Help us O God of our salvation; for the sake of the glory of your Name, do not look upon our wickedness. Instead, deal with us with charity and devotion, as it says, “He takes pity on the downtrodden and poor, and the souls of the poor he saves.” Act for the sake of our Master Yeshua to whom you gave the authority to heal every disease and sickness; our righteous Messiah of whom it written, “Surely he carried our sicknesses, and bore our diseases” (Isaiah 53:4). In his merit and virtues, may the sayings of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be favorable before you, O LORD, our rock and our redeemer. 

Published by Vine of David United States / Israel 
ָא ִבינּו ֶׁש ַּבָּׁש ַמִים, ִּת ּכֹון ְּת ִפ ָּל ֵתנּו ְקטֶֹרת ְלָפֶניָך, ַּכְּקטֶֹרתֶׁשַּקח ַאֲהרֹן ַהּכֵֹהןְוָרץ ֶאל ּתֹוך ַהָּקָהל ְו ִכיֵּפר ַעל ָהָעם, ִּכי ָי ָצא ַהֶּק ֶצף ִמ ִּל ְפֵני ְיָי ֵה ֵחל ַה ָּנ ֶגף.
ֶׁשֶמׁש ְצָדָקה ּוַמְרֵּפא ִּבְכָנֶפיה ִּתְזַרח ָנא ָלנּו,
ָּכ ָאמּור: ַוַּי ֲעמֹד ֵּבין ַה ֵּמ ִתים ּו ֵבין ַה ַחִּיים ַו ֵּת ָע ַצר
ַהַּמֵּגָפה. ִּכי ֵאיָכָכהנּוַכלְוָרִאינּו ָּבָרָעה ֲאֶׁשר
ִי ְמ ָצא ֶאת ַע ֵּמנּו? חּו ָסה ְיָי ַעל ַע ֶּמ ָך ְו ַאל ִּת ֵּתן
ַנ ֲח ָלְת ָך ְל ֶחְרָּפה, ַּכ ָּכתּוב ְּבתֹוַרת מֶֹׁשה ַע ְבֶּד ָך:
ָ ָ
ַו ֲה ִסרֹ ִתי ַמ ֲח ָלה ִמ ִּקְר ֶּבך. ְו ֵה ִסיר ְיָי ִמ ְּמך ָּכל חֹ ִלי
ְוָכְל ַמְדֵוי ִמְצַרִים ָהָרִעים ֲאֶׁשר ָיַדְעָּתלֹא ְי ִׂשיָמם ָּבך. ָּכל ַה ַּמ ֲח ָלה ֲאׁ ֶשר ַ ׂש ְמ ִּתי ְב ִמ ְצַרִים לֹא ָא ִ ׂשים ָעֶליָך ִּכי ֲאִני ְיָירְֹפֶאָך.
ָאב ָהַר ֲח ָמן ַה ַּמ ְקִּדים ְרפּו ָאה ְל ַמ ָּכה, ְר ָפ ֵאנּו ְיָי ְוֵנָר ֵפא, הוִׁשיֵענּו ְוִנָּוֵׁשָעה, ִּכי ְת ִה ָּלֵתנּו ָאָּתה.
ִליׁשּוָעְת ָך ִקִּויִתי ְיָי. ְׁש ַלח ָנא ְיׁשּוַעְת ָך ִמ ִּצּיֹון,
ָּכ ָאמּור: ָּכל ֶנַגע, ָּכל ַמ ֲח ָלה, ָּכל ְּת ִפ ָּלה, ָכל ְּת ִחָּנה
ֲאׁ ֶשר ִת ְהֶיה ְל ָכל ָה ָאָדם ְלכֹל ַע ְּמך ִי ְ ׂשָר ֵאל, ֲאׁ ֶשר
ֵיְדעּון ִאיׁש ֶנַגע ְלָבבֹו ּוָפַר ׂש ַּכָּפיו ֶאל ַהַָּבִית ַהֶּזה. ְו ַא ָּתה ִּתׁ ְש ַמע ַהָּׁש ַמִים ְמכֹון ׁ ִש ְב ֶּתך ְו ָס ַל ְח ָּת ְוָעִׂשיָת, ְלַמַען ִניָרֲאָך ֻכָּלנּוְוִנְחֶיה.
הֹוִׁשיֵענּו ֱאלֵֹהי ִיְׁשֵענּו, ַּב ֲעבּור ְּכבֹוד ִׁש ְמ ָך ַאל ֵּתֶפן ֶאלִרְׁשֵענּו, ִּכי ִאם ֲעֵׂשה ִעָּמנּו ְצָדָקה ָוֶחֶסד, ָּכָאמּור: ָיחֹס ַעל ַּדל ְוֶאְביֹון ְוַנְפׁשֹות ֶא ְביֹוִנים יֹוִׁשיַע. ֲע ֵ ׂשה ְל ַמַען ֵיׁשּוַע ֲאדֹוֵננּו ֲאֶׁשר ָנַתָּת ּלֹו ָׁשְלָטן ִלְרּפֹוא ָּכל ֳחִלי ְוָכל ַמְדֶוה, ְמִׁשיַח ִצְדֵקנּו ֶׁשָּכתּוב ּבֹו ָאֵכן ֳחָלֵינּוהּוא ָנ ָׂשא ּוַמְכאֵֹבנּו סבלם. ּבזכות וזכויֹות ׁש ּלֹו, יהיו לרצֹון אמרי
ְ ָ ָ ִ ְ ּ ּ ְ ּ ָ ֶ ִ ְ ּ ְ ָ ִ ְ ִפינּו ְו ֶהְגיֹון ִל ֵּבנּו ְל ָפֶניך, ְיָי צּוֵרנּו ְוגֹו ֲא ֵלנּו.

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