Saturday, July 6, 2024

Aaron`s Blossoming Rod Challah ~ Re-visited!





 The next day, Moses entered the Tent of Testimony and behold, Aaron’s staff, from the house of Levi, had sprouted, blossomed, and produced almonds!
Numbers 17:8
Dear Friends!
Shabbat Shalom!
This is Shayndel, coming in to say Hello and Shabbat Shalom after a long while!!
The funny thing is, this is a draft of a post that I started last year at this time!!
I am amazed to see how `today` on this Shabbat, I have made this very same challah and  that it is so similar to the one on our Shabbat table at this very time of Parsha Korah year!! 
I love something about that, and so it made it easy to do a post, I actually kept the post as it was  !!! 
And just added the 2 pictures that say SHABBAT SHALOM from `TODAY` and this intro. 
How are you? I missed you and hope you are all well! Much love from `TODAY`!!
(Post below is drafted one year ago on this same Shabbat of Korach!  
New edits or words I added when re-posting are in Red, just for historical accuracy:).)

If you come to my home for Shabbat, on certain Parsha you will find certain things at our Shabbat table!

For example, in Parsha Shelach, we will always try to have Big Grapes!  Because of the big cluster of grapes that the 12  brought back from the Land of Israel when they went to spy the land, we are reminded of the bounty that the LORD provides and the fruitfulness in the Land of Israel.  On Parsha Toldot (oops! I had written Vayigash in the original draft!), be ready for red stew! You-know-why that is! (If you don`t, please see HERE.....)!

Those are just a few examples, and if you come for Parsha Korach, which was last (This) week for us,

You will find a special Challah, Aaron`s blossoming rod challah!

I am beginning to feel more and more the presence of angels in our home when we welcome the Shabbat, and that Heaven is pleased to look down and see the table set in an expression of the word we are reading!!  There are actually in the Bible those whose  job was to set out the bread of the presence weekly in the holy place.  As I return to the blog this week after a long absence, I wonder if that this is one of my callings.  I hadn`t written for a while on the  blog, but was encouraged by a dear blogger friend, so I decided to come back and explore it further, and return here to my challah blog and to share the blessings of Shabbat and invite you to the Table together as we partake of the bread and the vine!!

You did not choose Me, but I chose you. I selected you so that you would go and produce fruit, and your fruit would remain. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in My name.

John 15:16 

 Shabbat Shalom to all! Happy to `see` you again!



 For how to make the Blossoming Rod Challah, and for more about the story of Aaron`s blossoming rod and parsha Korach, please visit HERE, HERE, and HERE to start!

Please find a prayer sheets to pray for your loved ones corresponding to the parsha HERE Korah, and all parsha HERE on AHAVA Prayer and Movement! Also please sign up for my weekly Parsha newsletter and Prayer sheet, either there or here!


PS  adding this trailer, hope its timeless!! And that we can keep making this challah year after year on the Shabbat of Parsha Korach, and make all our special challah for everyone at the banquet when Messiah returns to restore all things❤️


  1. Welcome back to the Bloggy Land, Shayndel! You've been missed.
    Lovely Shabbat table arrangements, and video on Challah making!

  2. Thank you Duta for the kind welcoming!!
    And always your encouraging words!!
    I hope to be able to get more in the rhythm of posting, and sharing the challah and Shabbat with you and our friends here.
    Blessings and Love

  3. Hi Shayndel, I absolutely believe that there is a time for everything, and wonder if we are very close to the return of our Lord and Saviour as we see what is going on around the world now. God bless.

  4. Wonderful to be chosen by the Lord!
