From Abraham and Sarah, to Isaac and Rebecca, embroidered on the Challah cover cloth, this week in the Torah we read parsha Toldot, the story of the generations of Isaac.
Once when Jacob was cooking a stew, Esau came in from the open, famished. And Esau said to Jacob, "Give me some of that red stuff to gulp down, for I am famished"--which is why he was named Edom. Jacob said, "First sell me your birthright." ---Genesis 25:29~31
This past week in the Torah we read parsha Toldot. The story of the generations of Isaac.
If you come by my house for Shabbat on erev Shabbat for this parsha, you can try some of Shayndel's Jacob's red stew!!
I can't help it, I just have to make a red stew on this day!!
As you know in this parsha Rebecca finds out that she will have twins, two nations, who are struggling with each other in her womb. There is the story in the parsha of Jacob and Esau and the birthright and the blessing and two meals --- Lentil soup for the birthright; fresh Game stew for the blessing --- Gen. 25:27~34, and Gen. 27. Two hearty meals through which the Torah reveals how the course of the generations was destined.
There is a lot to digest in this parsha, with the deceptions involved, what it must have been for Rebecca for giving birth to twins who would come to be two opposing nations. How we can understand it is always difficult each time we read it, but also in the Torah the things that are written are there tell us things that we don't always understand. But it gives us a place from which to seek God's heart in everything, and surely each reading can teach us things and help in our prayers for reconciliation and seeking Shalom in the world.
So I won't talk a lot, but will rather will share an original recipe inspired by the parsha.
Please have some , try making it, share any thoughts what the parsha speaks to you, or how you like the stew.
For today I will share with you how to make a stew that will bring on blessing, as its taste is really quite heavenly, in an earthy kind of way!
To make Shayndel's Jacob's Red Stew
You will need:
1. Red Lentil Curly Pasta, or if you cannot find it near you, look for any pasta or legume that is made from red lentils.
2. Other Ingredients:
Beef for stew
Note: you can adapt by using the vegetables local to your area and in season, as this stew should bring about the tastes of freshly brought in ingredients, as Isaac sent out Esau to gather the game for the stew! Isaac has a good tongue to know what he likes, so when making this, bring home the ingredients that are fresh to where you live!
We used these local / Japan grown vegetables in season. Cut them in appropriate stew sized pieces:
Olive oil
Can tomatoes
Sake or red wine
Salt and pepper, spices
3. Boullion or soup stock of your choice
4. Also include any spices you like , rosemary , thyme, and again if any from your garden or local that is even better!
How to make:
1. Cut ginger into small sliced pieces and sautee in olive oil. Add beef chunks and sautee until brown on all sides.
2. Add soup stock to cover and with enough liquid to accommodate vegetables and pasta. You might need to add more soup stock as you add the other ingredients.
3. Add sake or red wine and canned tomatoes (and or fresh tomatoes if you prefer!)
4. Once it all boils, lower heat to medium to simmer
5. Add salt, pepper and spices
6. Add vegetables by stages, the longer cooking ones first. Spinach and green leaves can wait to go in at the very end.
8. Put on the finishing touches on the table.
Gather to light the candles. Recite the Kiddush and Sabbath prayers.
9. Serve and enjoy with a beautiful and fragrant Challah!!
10. Be blessed!!
Note This week I used Dassie's recipe for the Challah from HIS ISRAEL.
Thank you His Israel for THIS POST and video about CHALLAH and for sharing your recipe!!
Note on the red lentil pasta (pictured above and a main ingredient in the recipe): There is background story HERE if you would like to read it , from last year, the surprise of finding this pasta in our local shopping mall. I had been looking everywhere for red lentils, to make a red stew, but to no avail. So it definitely seemed to have put there by the heavenly hosts for this Parsha.!! It made me to think that on Shabbat Toldot, everyone in heaven is around a table eating the red lentil stew with curly red lentil pasta. All parties reconciled and rejoicing in the knowing that everything was planned for a purpose and will turn out for the good.
I have observed the business that God gave man to be concerned with: He brings everything to pass precisely at its time; He also puts eternity in their mind, but without man ever guessing, from first to last, all the things that God brings to pass.
Ecclesiastes 3:10~11
The stew looks very delicious. I have yet to see red lentil pasta here in my neighbourhood though I'm sure it's available in the city somewhere. The story of the birthright always made me very sad because of the deception by one brother of the other. The consequences of which we feel to this day. Have a great week Shayndel and thank you for sharing the recipe :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you Joyful. Yes, I agree, I just made a few small changes on the post and hope the post doesn't come across as making light of what is a pretty difficulty topics, and as you said the consequences of which we feel to this day. That is why I kind of avoided "talking"and shared a recipe instead. I hope God will guide our hearts to have more of a way of understanding about it, to whatever degree we can have an understanding.
ReplyDeleteAbout the red lentil pasta, I never thought I would see such an item here. In last years post I told the story of finding it, or rather it just jumped out of the shelves in a prominent spot, and what a surprise it was!! And it even was "Kosher"!! So you never know!! If you want to make it you can try it with other legume or pasta. Blessings and a great week to you Joyful!♡
PS Oh my goodness, thought it was last year, it was two years ago already in a post, here!
Thanks for your heart dear Shayndel. I will try the stew sometime whenever I have the ingredients altogether :-) Time does fly doesn't it?!
Delete(In nr.8 you meant recite the Kiddush, not the Kaddish).
ReplyDeleteWhat can I say? The challa, the challa cloth covers, and the stew look great! You're doing it all by the Book. Kudos to you!
(In nr.8 you meant recite the Kiddush, not the Kaddish).
ReplyDeleteWhat can I say? The challa, the challa cloth covers, and the stew look great! You're doing it all by the Book. Kudos to you!
Oh thank you Duta, it`s Kiddush!! I will change that right away!!
DeleteAnd thank you,for the compliments, you always have a way with words that touches my heart!! ♡