Sunday, March 29, 2020

Pre-Passover, thoughts on the go, posted Post-Passover!

For the LORD is a great God 
and a great King above all gods.

Psalm 95:3

Note:  This post is from last year (Spring 2019)  before Passover, and I never ended up posting it.
Somehow I saw it today when I was going to edit a post, it was in "drafts".   I didn't purposely mean to post it but I posted it.  That seemed strange but as it was what it was, I decided to leave it!!! And see how it speaks to us today!! Hope it blesses someone or speaks even to me in some way about this Year's Passover--and actually I just read it and amazingly, it completely does speak of this year "where God's people are some here, some there, may we all join our hearts as One , as we prepare for the ultimate Redemption..."(read on!)


(Note:  I started this post "on the go" before Passover, so it is from  a few weeks  past already!  I was too rushed to post !!  I went "up" to Tokyo for Passover.  
 I made a trip to Tokyo to have Passover with my daughter, and attend a community seder on the second night.  These were  pictures, before my Passover "journey"to Tokyo! Of sharing a matzah and grape juice "communion" before actual Passover.  Just sharing it now as we can always eat the bread and drink the cup as Yeshua tells us to and as the first Passover was taken in a rush to get out of Egypt, this "Passover to-go" set reminds me of getting rid of anything we still may be enslaved to and set out in this season free of those things that are full of "hametz", and trade them in for those qualities fitting for being freed as a child of God.)

As I am scurrying to get ready, to have the house cleaned of all the hametz.   I confess (?!) I started eating matzah already, sharing in communion even over a week before Passover.  Things with leaven already look heavy, bread so puffed up, and sinful!  I am ready for the week of matzah, and no leaven.  Today I had matzah standing up.   Because in my cleaning I still had things around and there was no place to sit. When standing up  I think of the Israelites who were commanded to eat the Passover in haste, not leaving anything leftover.  They were to stand.  In preparation to leave quickly for their Exodus.

Exodus 12:10~11

Being set free happens at once and yet once set free there is still our lifetime to work out our salvation.  At moments like these when we realize or start to , what it means to be set free and die to ourselves, sometimes we can't even sit down.  And surely there are those moments when we can't even stand up, and have to kneel down and cry in sheer thanks to our Saviour for the finished work of what He has done for us.   But the work we need to do is not finished, our work to come together as One in Him.  On this holiday where God's people are some here, some there, may we all join our hearts as One , as we prepare for the ultimate Redemption...Well, these are just some thoughts on the go on the day before Passover!!

I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.  Just as I have loved you, so also you must love one another.  By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
John 13:34~35

Many blessings...Love to all  and a Chag Sameach Pesach!!

For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you—that the Lord Yeshua, on the night He was betrayed, took matzah; and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “This is My body, which is for you. Do this in memory of Me.” In the same way, He also took the cup, after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in memory of Me.” For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.

―1 Corinthians 11:23-26


  1. "...getting rid of anything we still may be enslaved to and set out in this season free of those things that are full of "hametz", and trade them in for those qualities fitting for being freed as a child of God."

    Powerful! Who would have thought this would be done for us here in 2020?

    SHALOM and Blessings,

  2. Thank you Sandi!

    Yes, who would have thought?! Thanks for your encouraging and seeing that.

    Praise God!! May we break free of anything we are enslaved to and be pleasing to our Heavenly Father as we worship Him in our unleavened states!!!

    "Unleavened States" (USA!):) lol!!

    Shalom and Blessings,
    Love ,

  3. The matza looks good. I like matza. I've also already eaten a bit of it.
    Passover this year, however, is a rather sad holiday, because of the virus and its many victims.
    Perhaps things look better in Japan, but here people are frightened and worried, especially the orthodox people ( the highest rate of infection in the country).

  4. Hi Duta, Thank you for sharing. So hard to find any words for the sadness, I send my prayers of comfort with all the prayer that are being lifted and that the loss of life will be stopped and that plague will be stopped.

    I just got matzah this year (this post was from my last year's post!), and will finish cleaning the cabinets today, then plan to go out and have my first matzah today under the cherry blossoms! Starting a little early too! It is different this year as the government has sent the word that there is to be no gathering of picnics under the cherry blossoms.

    Much love to you, blessings for your health, with a heart of prayer for healing for Israel and the nations.❤️
