Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Gardener is where you are--- a New Nisan 1 Story!

Abide in Me and I will abide in you.      
                                                                      John 15:4
As you abide in Him, know He is there.  
Watering your dreams.
Nourishing the seeds deep in your heart.
He planted them there.
He makes all life blossom and grow.
He hasn't forgotten them.  
Even your tears, that water helps them grow.
The flower that you are blossoming into is beautiful and unique.

The way you are growing into who He created you to be is perfect.  
With all the twists and turns.  Look,
you may not see it but
He just trimmed a branch you don't need anymore.
It's gone.  The tree is being pruned.  He is doing the pruning as we speak.

When He cut the branch, you didn't know it did you?  That's how He works. 
But there it is beneath His feet.  So now,
Look up!
The sparrows sing. 
We're in the Garden.  
Walk with Me, 
He says!!

Its the First of Spring!!

Nissan 1, 5780
Happy Nisan 1!!!*

*Nisan 1 is the first day of Spring on God's calendar!!!It's today!!  This story--words and pictures-- is something God showed me today and I was encouraged by it, hope it blesses you! Much Love!!


  1. The story speaks to me right now as it is something that has been in my talks with our Lord, yes even during this challenging time around the world. Praise God he hears us. Your beautiful photos are also perfectly suited to the post. Happy Nisan1 to you my friend and sister in Christ. xx

  2. Thank you Joyful, so blessed that it speaks to you and to hear your encouraging words!! Praise God! He hears us! He loves and cares for us! Amen!! Happy Nisan 1! And all month long, around the world, Blessings forevermore my friend and sister in Christ♡

  3. Beautiful spring pictures! The first day of spring, everything grows and blossoms in God's beautiful creation, as if nothing is wrong.
    Dear Joanne, Happy Nisan 1. ♥

  4. Thank you dear Hobbyloes! in His beautiful creation , "as if nothing is wrong". Beautiful! I like how you said that.
    Happy Nissan 1 to you。

    Hugs ♡❤︎ & Blessings

  5. Very nice text. I love John's Gospel

    1. Thank you Aritha❤️Me too!
      Love and blessings!

  6. This was beautiful ‼️I read it with my morning coffee. It was my “ breakfast “ and more nourishing than anything I could have eaten. It is so important to read scripture now. To focus on the garden so to speak! Thank you for this beautiful writing ❤️

    1. Thank you, Shufu! It makes me glad that it was nourishing for you to read this morning!! Its nice to say like that about the focus on the garden and the Gardener!!! Amen! May we return so fully to our LORD and walk with Him in the Garden without any separation. Blessings and Love in Messiah Yeshua! Shalom!❤️

  7. He makes all life and blossoms grow" - how very true!

  8. Amen! Thank you Duta!!
    Blessings and love and shalom!!❤️

  9. "He hasn't forgotten them."

    Amen...His eye is on the Sparrow.

  10. Amen! Thank you Sandi!!
    The sparrows there are so cute, they are hard to get a picture of though as they move quickly!! And Yes, His eye is on each of them!! And each of us!! 💗
