Monday, March 16, 2020

Shift the Atmosphere with Praise and Worship ---Challenge!!

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD , 
as the waters cover the sea.

Habakkuk 2:14 

I hope dear friends you and your loved ones are well and experiencing the shalom of God which surpasses all understanding even despite of or  even in some way in the midst  of the situation in the world.
I know its a difficult time but still I like to look to the positive and have been inspired by challenges people are putting forth and one such is to believe God to shift the atmosphere, as we go out with praise and worship!!! Praise God!!
Yesterday I went out in the morning to worship and take the "Shift the Atmosphere" Challenge that a worship sister proposed.  People all around the world are lifting up banners to the same song, asking God to shift the atmosphere.   Can you feel it shifting?  May we turn to Him, look up, praise Him for giving us this chance to come together as one and seek His face, as we believe in Him to heal our land(s) , heal the sickness and take away disease, and move the mood from fear to faith and prepare for an outpouring of His heavenly anointing as His Glory fills the earth!!!
  I am believing that after the National Day of Prayer, and with all those who are taking the shift the atmosphere challenges in all the various forms of prayer and praise, that God is hearing and indeed things are shifting!! Remember that faith is hope in the things unseen!!
If you would like to take the challenge, I will post the simple steps below!! 

Simple steps for the Shift the Atmosphere challenge!(posted by a friend on fb, if you are not on fb of course you can still do it whether you post it somewhere or not!!!)

Here's the challenge...
1. get a set of flags
2. Come out (front yard, backyard, sidewalk)
3. Play this song..
Atmosphere Shift (feat. Phil Thompson)
4. Believe in God to change this atmosphere!
5. Post your video to your Facebook page
5. Share on your page and get all faithful around the world involved!
Only God can! Let's be a vessel of change!
Who's with me?
  Simply go out with flags or banner, and if you don't have flags or banner, just wave your arms up to the heavens or use whatever you have to make a wave offering to the LORD .  Even a simple wave of the arm can move the heavens if done with a heart of worship.  Our wave offerings actually can and do "drive out the occupant" and shift the atmosphere~~!!

The original call for this was to do it at a particular time, and they are still doing it at 10AM on Saturdays.  But you can do this anytime as well!!! I  think you can see others who participated HERE or search through this tag if you are on other social media: #atmosphereshiftchallenge

2.    The link for the song that is being given for this is HERE, Atmosphere Shift  by Jubilee Worship If you use this song, it is a good way of unifying our hearts and intents, but again, even if you don't use this song, just going out and offering up a praise in Worship and the intent to ask God to shift the atmosphere , is good!! May we offer a rich and varied color beautiful tapestry of flags and waves up to heaven and may the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable to You LORD!!

PS Today, a few days after these postings, I had a sense of returning to the Garden of Eden.  It struck me as we are being asked to avoid contacts and indoor gathering and with so much surrendered.  When I was walking outside I felt what's left?  Us and God!!  Just as it was in the beginning!!  I am asking Him to help me and to help us, see that wonderful blessing in itself, as we walk with Him into the upcoming days!!.

Praise the LORD for He is good,
for His lovingkindness endures forever.  
Psalm 136:1




  1. Amen Shayndel, beautiful post. I am not sure I can join right now in the flag worship or arm waving worship as I have no flags. I am recovering from a late season cold as it has been a bit chilly here. The sun is out and mostly everything is shut down as of today but I too am not panicking. I am just trying to get rest. I loved your short videos and the song that goes with the worship. During this time of isolation from the usual, I pray that many will come to know the Lord. God bless you.

  2. Thank you Joyful. No worries about not joining, just was sharing it and hope it might encourage in some way! Hope you fully recover soon! Glad to hear you are staying calm and getting rest. Agreeing in your prayer that many will come to know the Lord. God bless you too! Much love!!♡

  3. Thank you friends

    for your amen's!♡
