Saturday, March 7, 2020

Purim Sending and giving -- Mishloach Manot!

 Mordecai recorded these events.  And he sent dispatches to all the Jews throughout the provinces of King Ahasuerus, near and far, charging them to observe the fourteenth and fifteenth days of Adar, every year---the same days on which the Jews enjoyed relief from their foes and the same month which had been transformed for them from one of grief and mourning to one of festive joy.  They were to observe them as days of feasting and merry making, and as an occasion for sending gifts to one another and presents to the poor.            --Book of Esther 9:20~22

The month of Adar on the Hebrew calendar is a month of joy, and as the scripture above from the book of Esther states, it is "transformative" joy, as the days of mourning and grief were turned to those of festive joy.

Giving and sending Mishloach Manot--food gifts-- is a wonderful part of Purim.
Just as the scripture says, it is part and parcel of the Purim holiday to "send gifts to one another and presents to the poor."

I have been making Hamantashen and packing them to to send to those who are far and made some to give out to those near!!  Where I live no one in the "province" knows about Purim, so its also a way of sharing about Purim and about the God of Purim!! The God of Israel!!

Sometimes the best way to share about Him is simply to do an act of kindness.   I think that is a lot of what Purim is about!! 

"The Blossoming Challah" seasonal delivery---Hamantashen anywhere in Japan!!
A lot is "hidden" in the holiday of Purim!

Guess who this one is going to?  Hint it's from "Mom" ♡

You can read about the Feast of Purim in the Book of Esther, which is read on the holiday of Purim!!!
This year is the first time I sent Hamantashen, for sending I sent them by "frozen " shipping! Thankful for the TakyuBin Delivery service in Japan!

There is a lot that is "hidden" in Purim, including the fillings in the Hamantashen!!

From Shayndel, to YOU!!!

Cherry Blossoms Hamantashen and Prune Hamantashen are the varieties made here at Challah and Cherry blossoms!!

Cherry Blossoms Hamantashen! Made in Japan!!

Chag Sameach!!

Happy Purim!!

There are still a few days to prepare for Purim, if you would like to try making Hamantashen,
please see this my favorite Hamantashen recipe which is also in the "recipes" sidebar at right,
or click HERE for a tutorial for my
Cherry Blossoms Hamantashen
uniquely from Challah and Cherry Blossoms!! 

Much Love,


  1. Thank you Sandi!
    Happy Purim to you too!♡

  2. Happy Purim to you. I'm sure those who receive your treats will very much enjoy them :-)

  3. Thank you Joyful!! I hope they do:))
    Happy Purim to you!! ♡

  4. This story is and remains beautiful, mourning has been turned over for joy. Your edible gifts look delicious.
    I am surprised by your baking talent.
    And the real name of Ester is Hadassah, I like that.♥

  5. Hi Hobbyloes, thank you!! I am humbled hearing that from you, as you are such a master baker!! Yes, the story of mourning to joy is so beautiful!! I like the names too, Esther is said to mean hidden or secret, I looked up Hadassah, which means "myrtle". Surely there is much yet to be revealed from the Purim story as God's word is the living Word!! Blessings and Love!♥ I ❤️ Purim !!
