Monday, March 2, 2020

Choose Your Mask!!! Purim is almost Here

These days should be remembered and observed in every generation by every family and in every province and every city.  These days of Purim should not fail from among the Jews, nor their remembrance perish from their descendants.        Book of Esther 9:28 

Choose your mask!!
Purim is almost here!! Proclaim His Name and His Victories from every province and every city!!

Let the Hamantashen making begin!!!

May we joyously move into the next Feast, the feast of Purim!!

You still have time to prepare!!

Stay tuned for an invitation to the banquet:))

Blessings and Shalom!
♡Love, Shayndel

(post edited)


  1. I like the masks. Do they have stores with specific items for Jewish holidays in Japan or do you have to send from abroad?

  2. Thanks Joyful!No such stores here yet!!One day!! I ordered them from a local Long Island online shop, Party Judaica!! I think their website is!!! ♡

  3. I'm afraid Purim this year will be reduced to individual happenings for kids , no parades because of the corona.
    We here are also out of surgical masks, but I don't believe in their efficacity anyway.

  4. Hi Duta, that's too bad about the Purim celebrations. Oh, also thank you for the name of the masks, surgical masks, I think living in Japan I forget some English use. BTW I thinking to propose an on-line Purim party. ♡

  5. note from blog author: For sensitivity, I edited the post and took out the part about the surgical masks, and just kept the Post simple to show the "Purim masks"!!

  6. I love this post and the story of Purim! I want to make these masks with my grandchildren when I babysit them in a few weeks. Thank you so much!

  7. Thank you Mary!! Oh, that's fun if you make them with your grandchildren. This is a "printables" version I have used before, that you might like!! Blessings and a Happy Purim!♡
