Saturday, March 14, 2020

President Trump declares a National Day of Prayer--this Sunday March 15!

 At this very hour He was healing many of diseases, sicknesses, and evil spirits; 
and He granted sight to many who were blind.       
Luke 7:21

 Yeshua said to him, "I'll come and heal him".                    
 Matthew 8:7

Call upon Me in the day of trouble.   When I rescue you, you will honor Me.
Psalm 50:15

I interrrupt my regular programming about Challah and Cherry Blossoms to put in this post about the prayer day tomorrow.  You probably all already know this, but just didn't want anyone to miss it.

Agreeing with the President, for all to turn towards prayer in an act of faith.   Praise God for our President's announcement, and for his turning to the only One who is in control of all things, and acknowledging that it is God who guards and protects!! May the name of the LORD Yeshua be glorified, and the world will see that it is He alone who Saves!! 

And related to the President's announcement , If anyone is moved to watch this video link, in it Sid Roth, the Messianic Jewish host of its Supernatural has a word to share!! He tells of a letter with a word from a rabbi  that this National Day of Prayer would be declared by the President and that it will be effective and Victory won!!  and that ”Global Glory" will be released.  There is a Purim tie in too, so I am not veering completely off the blog topics!!!

" Let's pray!
& read Psalm 91 morning and evening aloud and personalize it!"
when My people, over whom My Name is called, humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and will heal their land. 
                                                                             2Chronicles 7:14
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom to all!!
Peace be with you.


I f   you don't watch the whole video, I will share the very last part which is a gift for us and our loved ones!! It is the best protection of all!
 Just say this aloud and mean it to the best of your ability.
It is the prayer for Salvation!! 
Much Love!!

Dear God

I am a sinner

Against you and you alone have I sinned

I believe that Jesus died for my sins

He was buried and He rose from the dead

and He’s seated at the right hand of God  the Father right now

And because of His blood

my sins are washed away

I am clean

Not because of me

Not because of anything I’ve done

But because of the goodness of God

and I ask you Jesus now that I’m clean

To be my LORD and Saviour

And live inside of me

and give me your love for people and give me your love for YOU

You’re so good , God.


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this video!

  2. You're welcome Sandi! Glad it blessed you.


  3. What a special day tomorrow will be as so many cry out to God. Looking forward to it and all that will come of it!

  4. Yes Mary!! Its a special day, God bless America!!
    Blessings and Love!! ♡

  5. I missed all this but am glad there was national prayer (and international prayers going up also). Much love and may we all come out on the other side through God's grace and mercy though I think we know that things are setting up for the last days before Christ's return. Let us stay strong and look up. Amen. xx

    1. Thank you Joyful. Yes, I have had that prayer as well that we "come out on the other side" and as you said, through God's grace and mercy. Amen! Yes, let us stay strong and look up!! Much love! xox
