Thursday, March 19, 2020

Instructions (in progress), almost Nisan 1~~!!!

Today God asked me to wear a worship dress when I make challah.
He has never asked me to do that before!!

And my Shalom apron!!

So I will obey and begin to make the challah now.

Oh wait, but first, clear the table and the room have the Shabbat candles prepared on the table.

This Shabbat, He reminded me to check, is ......Shabbat HaChodesh.

Oh!! LORD, thank you !! That means it will soon be the new month of Nisan!!! Nisan, the month of springtime, the month of Deliverance and Redemption.

This is one of the holiday Shabbat between Purim and Pesach.   I still have all my Purim decorations on the table, and I hear its time to clear them and prepare my heart and myself for Passover and the Spring Feasts.

I also just realized this Shabbat we are finishing the book of Exodus!! Chazak, Chazak, V'nit Chazek!! Be strong, be strong and let us strengthen one another!!
Blessings to all and Shabbat Shalom!!♡
(Photos:  first cherry blossom this year seen at the "root" of the tree, and first butterfly(photo to follow, seen earlier this week)!

Parsha and Holiday readings for this Shabbat HaKodesh:

HaChodesh  The Month (Nisan begins civil year on the Hebrew calendar)
Exodus 12:1~20
Ezekiel  45:16~46:18 

Parsha VaYakhel and Pekudei
Exodus 35:1 ~45:38
1Kings 7:13~26 (Seph.), 40~50 (Ash), Hebrews 8:1~12, 9:1~11


  1. Thanks for reminding us of Shabbath Hakodesh and the month of Nissan which mark the season of Spring and the coming of Pesach holiday.

  2. Oh good, Duta!! Glad it reminded you!! Thank you!!
    Blessed to hear that!! You in turn remind me how the sound of "Spring" has such a pleasant ring!! Love and blessings!!♡
