When you present an offering of meal baked in the oven, (it shall be of) choice flour: unleavened cakes with oil mixed in, or unleavened wafers spread with oil.
Leviticus 2:4
וְכִי תַקְרִב קָרְבַּן מִנְחָה, מַאֲפֵה תַנּוּר--סֹלֶת חַלּוֹת מַצֹּת בְּלוּלֹת בַּשֶּׁמֶן
וּרְקִיקֵי מַצּוֹת מְשֻׁחִים בַּשָּׁמֶן.
Leviticus 2:4
וְכִי תַקְרִב קָרְבַּן מִנְחָה, מַאֲפֵה תַנּוּר--סֹלֶת חַלּוֹת מַצֹּת בְּלוּלֹת בַּשֶּׁמֶן
וּרְקִיקֵי מַצּוֹת מְשֻׁחִים בַּשָּׁמֶן.
As my blog has a theme of "challah" and I like to find connections between Challah and Torah, you may not be surprised that I got excited when reading about the "grain offering" in this week's parsha. This time its the first time I noticed the word "Challah" in the scripture above.
Unleavened wafers (cakes) in the English is "Challot Matzot" in Hebrew!!!
Unleavened wafers (cakes) in the English is "Challot Matzot" in Hebrew!!!
If you can find it in your heart to share in my enthusiasm, please do read on !!!
Making Matzah!
In the recipe for making matzah, after it is baked there is the instruction to "anoint the matzah"!
I never read that in a recipe before, and I must say it helped me to "draw near" to the LORD in this matzah-making time!! If you have never made matzah before, be encouraged to try!!! First, its much simpler than challah, and technically (halachically, according to the Jewish tradition) has to be done from start to finish in 18 minutes for Passover purposes!! So if you have a little time and want to try it for this year, please do!!
I'm hoping to be able to get a box or so of Matzah for Passover, but just in case am "practicing" making Matzah!!
Of course, The Children of Israel didn't have the luxury of "practicing", and had
to just to it and prepare the dough right away and carry the dough with
them on their Exodus!!
Passover amazingly always comes at the time of the Cherry Blossoms!! This year Nissan 1, the first of Nissan, was also just when the first blossoms opened!! I find that amazing, as the day is always different on the Hebrew calendar, and there is not a "set day" that cherry blossoms open, and yet the past few years that I have been "living on the Hebrew calendar" I have noticed that each year!!
It feels very Messianic that God's commanded first day of Springtime and first month of the year is announced in His creation with the opening of the first cherry blossoms!! I always say I look forward to the day when the people of Japan will know their Messiah Yeshua and the glorious time under the blossoms will be a time of worship and celebration of Him!!! May it be swiftly and in our day!!
This year it may be a little quiet for cherry blossom picnics, but thankfully the blossoms blossom and the fragrance of resurrection and renewal is in the air!! And who knows, maybe it will be just this year when the people of Japan look up to a salvation Sky and receive their Saviour as the "sakura" blossom all throughout Japan.
Nissan, as you know, is a month of miracles!
As a friend wrote in a message to me, I will share this:
"Get ready to pass over!"
That message encouraged me tremendously!!
This is the Matzah recipe I used HERE if you'd like to try it!!
And this (below) is my Matzah Challah-cast for this first week of Nissan!
Challah-cast is a little under 11 minutes if you are moved to watch it
and to make matzah, you can try it!! I also share some
of my "drash" (related discussion!!") in the upload, so I'll keep the
text here in this post brief as the photos are many!!
Time to start removing the "hametz", and change the header to "unleavened" bread!!
Much Love and blessings all!!Shayndel (dba Joanne's Challah-cast)
Notes: The recipe also calls for salt to be sprinkled on the matzah. I love this recipe! Anointed with oil and sprinkled with salt!
Yeshua, the anointed One, tells us we are to be salt (Matthew 5:13)!! I found that connection so interesting to read this scripture in Leviticus in light of Yeshua's words, as we ourselves are to be the salt.
You shall season your every offering of meal with salt; you shall not omit from your meal offering the salt of your covenant with God; will all your offerings you must offer salt. Leviticus 2:13
Shabbat Shalom!! (not Passover yet, but making "unleavened cakes" to prepare, in this week of parsha Vayikra!
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Anointed, salted "challot matzot"-- Matzah!-- on the Shabbat Table in this week of Parsha Vayikra--entering the book of Leviticus |
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Cherry blossoms first blossoms so perfectly calling in the month of Nissan,the month of springtime |
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The matzah is "Pierced" and calls to us to remember Messiah Yeshua who was pierced for our transgression |
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And by His stripes we are healed! |
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Take, and eat!
This is my body, given up for you.
Matthew 26:26
Messianic Japan!!
Welcoming Messiah Yeshua to Japan!!
Yeshua, Japan welcomes you!!
xoxo Declared with Love,
by Shayndel
I loved all the details you put in this post. For some reason the “ salt” jumped out at me. I usually put salt on top of my challah before baking but I never thought of the spiritual reason. I was just following the recipe!
ReplyDeleteBut after watching the video and reading your post it clicked. I will never put salt on my challah again without thinking of it!
And especially now- with the tribulation in the world! We need to be salt ( and light).
Shalom Aleichem!
Thank you Mrs. Shufu! I'm glad the salt "jumped" out like that:) Yes, may we be salt and light!! Happy Challah making to you , and soon, Matzah!! Thank you for taking the time to watch、and your encouraging words.
DeleteShalom Aleichem! ♡
At this time just before Pascha we also eat Matzes (that's what it's called here).
ReplyDeleteBeautiful video, and clearly explained.
Your photos are beautiful and also the cherry blossoms.
Wish you a blessed week and stay healthy!
Thank you Hobbyloes! I appreciate your watching and your kind encouragements!! Glad to hear how Matzes is called in Dutch!
ReplyDeleteI wish you too a blessed week and stay healthy to you and your family!!♡
I found matza finally! I had to drive one town over, but I was able to get a few boxes! I'm intrigued as to how to make it from scratch. I might try that someday too.
ReplyDeleteHi Mary, I got Matzah too!! Yeah!! Thank you Yeshua♡
DeleteHi Mary! Thank you for your visit and comment.
ReplyDeleteMazel Tov!! Congratulations! You found matzah!! I am still not sure but believing for a Matzah miracle, that I will be able to get it!!Yes, please try making it too, when you can, as a family you might enjoy it:)!
Springtime Blessings and a Happy Passover!!♡