Sunday, August 30, 2020

Shofar Shaped cloud!!

Sing joyously to God, our strength; 
raise a shout for the God of Jacob.
Take up the song,
sound the timbrel, the melodious lyre and harp.
Blow the shofar on the new moon,  on the full moon for our feast day.
For it is a law for Israel, a ruling of the God of Jacob;

Psalm 81: 1~5

Elul 9, 5780. I didn`t do a challah-cast this week, but just did a short upload on the spot at the end of the Shabbat today. When I went out by the river to (practice!) sound the shofar, God revealed a shofar-shaped cloud in the sky and it even was curved around the moon! It felt like a reply to the challah and shaping in the letters of His word, as well as a response to meeting Him with the shofar  in this month of Elul... this time it was His glorious reply...

 Blessings and Love,



  1. Your enthusiasm makes me want to get myself a shofar too. Thanks for the tutorial.

  2. Hi Duta! Thank you, so glad to hear your enthusiasm too , and to read your comment this encouraging!! By all means, do get one!! You`d love it!! Especially in this season, your `sounding` would indeed be a blessing, to be a part of the `wake up call` ....its something you can do in your own private time and a wonderful way to `speak to God and He will `shema` to our call in marvelous ways!!! Much love, Blessings to you! ♡

  3. Thank you for sharing. My spirit needed it.

  4. I enjoyed your video! You are doing great for just learning. I know it's not easy. Tom and I also enjoyed our Shabbat a few nights ago and he incorporated the shofar. I didn't make plans to go away by myself anywhere this Elul, but drew away with the Lord for a day in my home office and Tom wouldn't even let me wash a dish! What a guy. I got my word for the coming year...Grace, and I look forward to all I will learn! Many blessings and hugs,

    1. Thank you Mary for your visit and for watching, encouragement and for your beautiful sharing about your Elul!! Your husband is so kind! That is special that you took that special time away with the LORD, makes me think of another verse in Song of Songs, `Come away with me...`. v2:10, `Arise, my darling: My fair one, come away!`

      Grace! Such an amazing word for the coming year!! May your year be sweet and graced by His Grace!!! Many blessings and hugs to you and your family!♡

  5. This makes me want to stand outside and stare up at the sky in awe!

  6. Hi Sandi,

    So glad if it makes you want to Praise Him by looking up in awe at His glory in His creation!! Its a full moon of Elul now, so I hope you can see it. Praise God! Blessings!!♡
