Sunday, August 16, 2020

Shabbat Shalom--some thoughts on Rosh Chodesh Elul and Parsha Re'eh!

Happy is the people who know the teruah (joyful shout of the shofar)
                                                       Psalm 89:16
       Parsha Re`eh,
       Almost Elul!!!

This week (Friday) we will enter into the new month of Elul, the 6th month of the Hebrew calendar.

As Elul is the preparation month for the Fall Feasts, that means its getting close to the Fall Feasts, which begin with Rosh Hashanah,  in Tishrei, the 7th month and a `New Year`on the Hebrew calendar.

I love the month of Elul itself, and feel like I need to even prepare in these few days before Elul to prepare for Elul!! 

Prepare to prepare ??  What does that mean?  I would say, it means to strip away everything that is not focused on the beloved Yeshua!!  To have the whole month clear for meeting Him in the fields and in every encounter.  So as to precious-ize (not a word maybe?! but just making that word for the situation!!) each moment in anticipation of His return.  As we know the Fall Feasts are a time of celebrating the beginning of Creation, and the blowing of the Shofar to announce the Kingdom come, as well as the leading up to the day of Atonement, a time of individual and corporate repentence and return,  and after that the rejoicing in the Feast of Succot.  

And ultimately tabernacling with the God of Creation, our very beloved Yeshua.  Of couse there will be dancing and a feast of feasts for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  The spring feasts have been fulfilled in the Messiah`s first coming and although we don`t know the day of when He will return, we want to be prepared!!  The time of the Fall Feasts will be the fulfillment of His return and of His Coronation and His dwelling with us!!!   Indeed now is a time of preparation.   Halleluyah!

The word Re`eh, the name of this week`s Parsha, means `See`!!

It is the root word of Yireh, which may be known to many, as that is the word for ADONAI Yireh, The LORD who Provides, one of the names given to God that we read in the book of Genesis when Abraham saw the ram in the thicket and says `The LORD will Provide`, which also can be translated as `The LORD is Vision`, since it is from the root word See.  He sees the end from the beginning and the beginnning from the end.

I pray a blessed month to all and a month of `Seeing` what it is that God has for us individually and as a body of Messiah.  

Much Love, 


  1. Thank you for reminding me of happy memories

    1. Thank you R!
      Blessings and Happy Elul to you!💛

  2. The Fall Feasts are close, but it's all very strange because of covid-19. We might have another lockdown, because the numbers of infected people is still high.

    Your photos are awsome!

    1. Thank you Duta for your sharing, sorry to hear that, I hope and pray healing and Life to Israel and all the nations.

      Glad the photos blessed you! Stay tuned for more on the challah in the next post or so, I had some new revelations that I put into the recent Challah-casts!!

      May the LORD of all Life come down with Healing in His wings and bless you and heal all of Israel and the nations and bring us all to Him! Yeshua, He is the Bread of life!!💛

  3. I see that Nehemiah's wall was completed in the month Elul. Though we need to get beyond the months to have every day for Jesus. Grace be with you.

    1. Thank you David for reading and for sharing that insight about Nehemiah`s wall!! I didn`t know that about it being Elul!! Amen, to have everyday for Jesus. Grace be with you too!! Thank you for the blessings.

    2. Happy and blessed Elul and every month too!
