Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Praise Him!! Thanks Activation!!

Praise Activation!  Starting with THANKS!

(note* post edited!!!)

This is the day the LORD has made, 
may we rejoice and be glad in Him,  
and may we be praising Him when He comes!!!

God bless you, and let us usher in the LORD into our lives as the darknesss and sickness flees!!!


Much love!!



  1. I praise God, pray to Him and thank Him, but in a stricly personal way, not using activation of hands or items.

    1. Thank you Duta for sharing!! Thats the most important, to praise Him!!

      Actually I may edit or unpost this post...its been on my heart to share about worship with flags and introduce more about using worship instruments , such as flags or scarves in worship, in a more referenced way so that I can share about it from a biblical perspective. I sort of `threw` this post in on the spot and I like to usually think thru a post first, so I hope it did not communicate in a rash way. Thank you for commenting. Blessings! Love!

  2. Thank you friends!! I edited the post, to be about worshiping the LORD and giving thanks, without a specific activation this time. Just an author`s note, I want to add more on my blog about worship and movement, and even add activations, but I think when I do I would like it to be at the same level of thoroughness that I put into the challah posts, as that has been what I mainly focus on here. I would like to share more about the biblical significance of using worship flags and instruments, and will prayerfully see how I can do that and keep the focus of the blog with a kind of consistency even if on different topics and ways of worship!! Thank you for your blog friendship as we grow together and keep on encouraging one another!!
