Monday, August 17, 2020

Making Fans, Blessings Fans, Yeshua Fans! 

message on a summer fan:  He is with us! He is with you!!

You can read it as a double entendre, or a double blessing!
Blessings Fans, fans of blessings, Shalom fans, fans of Shalom.
Yeshua fans, fans of Yeshua.

The Shabbat table becomes my `studio table` during the week, as I am preparing for a small exhibit of fans, the second annual!! It seems like yesterday when I did the fans workshop last year for Elul and to share the shalom fans and workshop!!(related post HERE)

This year it will be somewhat scaled down, actually I am not really even inviting or announcing for this event except here and there and thankful to  a few `in person` fellows who will be there to help !!   The community center is open for events, but to respect the mood overall and as we are not to gather with too many people, so we will not promote the event actively.   We are having it and hoping and praying that some passersby will come in and enjoy the exhibit and that God will send just the right people, adults and children who might like to take part in the workshop, and those who would be blessed by the event.

I think in these times we have a special chance and open door to share about the Beloved Yeshua and welcome others to be His fans!  I am a fan of Yeshua!! I know it is  a `follower` or `disciple` but well,  sometimes we can engage with the Holy Spirit and have a little fun with Him with a childlike heart by saying `I am a fan of Yeshua`!!  Especially in this month of Elul when the King is in the Fields and He meets us as we are, no pretenses!! (how it should be always, but it isn`t always, so let the pretences fall away in this season of repentance and Teshuvah!!).  Oh King and LORD Yeshua, please do meet us this week and `in the fields` as we display our hearts of love for you in all the ways that each one does so as to bring glory to You!! Help us to peel away the pretenses so that we are pure in heart for you.  In this season of repentance and Teshuvah, return, may new `Yeshua fans` lift up a banner, a flag, or a cry and give our selves to YOU!!!

I am my beloved`s and He is mine.

Song of Songs 6:3
 אֲנִי לְדוֹדִי וְדוֹדִי לִי
origami paper for the back of the fan!! I love combining the different patterns, this year I will prepare the `backs` and streamline the materials for the workshop , making a `set` for each participant.

The Shabbat table becomes a studio table during the week!! And as you can see the Kiddush cup and the shofar made their way into the fans!!! Lift up the cup of Salvation and call upon the Name of the LORD!
I will take up the cup of Salvation, and call upon the Name of the LORD!  Psalm 116:13

כּוֹס-יְשׁוּעוֹת אֶשָּׂא;    וּבְשֵׁם יְהוָה אֶקְרָא

Try it at home too if you are moved to make a fan!! The basic materials can be found in the 100 yen shop (like the dollar shop!) here in Japan, or use what you have available or at the shop you are able to get to, and let me know how they come out !!!  Even if you don`t make it, share your message that would go on the fan ! xoxo Blessings and Shalom!!

Love, Shayndel


  1. "100 yen shop (like the dollar shop!)"

    Funny how that is worldwide... 😂

  2. Thanks Sandi, that is funny isn`t it! 😂
    I wonder, do they have the blank fans at the dollar shop?! Its a fun summer activity if they do!!


  3. Lovely fans! I've got some similar fans made in China, bougth many years ago.
    Good Luck with the exhibit!

  4. Thank you Duta! Its sounds nice to hear you have fans that you kept for many years!! You have me imagining what kind of patterns on them, and if you use them to keep cool, or keep them as decorations... I am a fan of `fans` as you may have noticed:)) Thank you for the kind wishes for the exhibit! Blessings!♡

    1. Thse fans are not practical for keeping cool. I keep them as nice mementos. I bought thm when items started to ome from China and they were very cheap.

    2. Thanks Duta! I do hope one day to export my Shalom fans to Israel, its a dream and I have no idea how, but will believe one day someone will say they have a Shalom fan from Japan (as you said you have ones from China!!), in Israel!!! Blessings! Thanks for sharing!!! xoxo
