Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Fans show Praise Report!Beloved Fans!

Can you see the word `Beloved` written on this fan? A highlight of the show!

Visitor in Pink! The color of AHAVA=Love

Another highlight, The words, `Ani LeDodi VeDodi Li` written on the wall with the Hebrew letters cut out from Origami paper

Thank you for your encouragement for the fans exhibit! It went well, already almost 2 weeks ago and I just am catching up to post, Some Highlights included this fan pair (yes, like fan fare), I was so excited how this mother and son entered in and made their fans.

Because of the regulations and concerns in the pandemic we made everything user friendly and `individually created sets` for making your own fan, with each set containing a blank side to draw on, a patterned side  prepared in advance that you can choose, and four colors, as well as a sheet of stickers and ribbon if you would like for decorationg!!

Everything is `take home` so that there was no need to worry about many people handling the materials.    It could have been daunting and discouraging from having it, but I am glad we did it!! There were many precious moments.

Back to the beloved...
This mother and son worked on their fans, each with their set of colors and created a beautiful fan.  When I asked if they would like to add a word, anything that comes to their heart to put on the fan, the mother said she wanted to use the word Beloved!!! She had just learned this word from looking through the exhibit and seeing the word on the fan in the show and the theme scripture which I explained to her, I am the Beloved`s and the Beloved is mine.

They didn`t have this word in their vocabulary until this day!!

Praise God!!

Truly the words we use, the words we say, the words we write on our fans and express even here on our blogs, have significance.  I was joyous and my heart lept for joy when she chose that word to express and then doubly when I saw her son also chose this word Beloved!!!

This was the second annual Elul `Shalom fans` Exhibit!! You may recall the first annual from my post here! It seems like yesterday when we had the first one year ago!! HERE*

Other highlights:  writing the Psalm 27 on the Palm trees was much fun as well as at the end of the day having an Elul communion in fellowship.

You can see photos of Israel interspersed between the fans.!!! I wanted to also share about my trip to Israel last May and include an Israel awareness theme to the exhibit as well, as a celebration of Elul!!!  As you know it is my prayer for the Japanese people to know their Messiah and Saviour Yeshua, and to share His love with them and introduce Him to them through His word and His love.  I am so excited for when the Knowledge of the LORD fills the earth as the waters cover the sea.    The island nations wait for His Torah!!

...the way it works is, you choose your pattern for the back, and draw on the front with the 4 colors you select!! Then option to decorate with stickers or a ribbon!! The mother and son both chose to write the word `Beloved` on their fan.  I believe they experienced God`s love in the fans making workshop today.  Thank you Yeshua. 

Psalm trees!! For the celebration of the month of Elul, we wrote the words of the Psalms 27 on the Palm Trees in the exhibion space!! This one in Hebrew, in progress!! two photos down a friend completed the words in English on another Psalm tree!!!

Today!! This day!!

Photo of me in Jerusalem, at the Western Wall, 2019, holding a Shalom fan

a visitor to our exhibition with the Smile fan she made!!
Fellowship is wonderful! Helping to set up!
A photo of an olive tree that I took in the Garden of Gethsemane.  Part of the exhibit of Photos from my Israel trip that were displayed with the fans
Nice choice of ribbon!!
You know this, is the Eastern Gate where Messiah Yeshua is said to return. 
He is with us! He is with you!

The day this time was a little scaled down due to the circumstances, but the Glory of God was there and we could feel His LOVE maybe even more so as His presence filled the day.



  1. I'm glad your fan exhibition went well!
    You're so talented and active!
    Do you have any help in your activities, any sponsor, or you're on your own?
    Anyway, Good Luck in whatever you do!
    I particularly like fan nr.7

    1. Thank you Duta!
      I`d have to answer first that my help comes from the LORD!!♡
      He brings what I need each time, this time I had fellowship friends who helped throughout the day, I was so grateful.
      I wonder which one is fan nr7?, Sorry I can`t quite tell how you counted the fans, so I am not sure which it is.
      Blessings and thank you sooooooo much for all the encouragement.♡

  2. You do so much to reach people.

    "He is with us! He is with you!"


  3. How beautiful that mother and son chose the same word: Beloved!
    The fans are so beautiful. ♥
    You do such nice things and you keep surprising me.
    I really like the fan with the words: He is with us!

    1. Thank you Hobbyloes for your kind words!!
      Yes, I was so moved by their chosing that word, both mother and son!!

      I am glad we can find Shalom and Beloved fans in every nation!!!:)) Hope you are having a good summer and keeping cool!!

      He is with us!

  4. Replies
    1. Amen!
      Thank you R for stopping by the exhibit!!

  5. Praise the Lord for a successful exhibit and outreach. You really do a lot of creative things with the challah and the fans and paintings. May God continue to enlarge your territory and help you reach the people of Japan with the message of Yeshua's saving grace.
