Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Matzah and Cherry Blossoms

The holiday of Pesach, or Passover, is approaching.   It`s time to change the header of my blog from leavened to un-leavened bread! 
I took a pack of matzah* out with me this early evening and held it up in the cherry blossoms.   There are burstings of pink blossoms on every street now and in every view.  My favorite spot is behind the Castle, where I propped the matzah on a branch and marveled at God`s Creation and the way He expresses new life.  Everything speaks of Resurrection in this beautiful time of cherry blossom spring and the approaching Passover!

I pray that the love of Torah will blossom in Japan in this season as we remember the Mighty Hand of ADONAI who brought the Children of Israel out of bondage.

Today may we know and rejoice in the freedom that comes when we admit our sin, repent, and welcome the LORD Yeshua as the LORD and Saviour of our lives!!!

*We eat Matzah, or unleavened bread for the week of Passover.  It was a commandment given to the Children of Israel when ADONAI brought them out of bondage from Egypt with a strong hand.  We remember that time throughout all the generations by not eating hametz for seven days of the holiday feast of Passover.  In preparation in the week or weeks before, it is a  time to clear out the `hametz`---bread, cakes, things with yeast or other leavening-- from our cabinets, and from our hearts.  Hametz in our hearts?!  Yes!  Leavening, or hametz also represents `sin` so it is a time to clean out the `hametz` from our hearts as well as we enter this season.  My blog contains a lot of  `hametz` , as challah is made with yeast, so for the preparation for Passover, I did a little cleaning on the blog too.  From now through the Passover holiday you`ll find my blog header will greet you with...Matzah and Cherry and Blossoms!  Chag Sameach!
(Happy Holiday!)

Get rid of the old hametz, so you may be a new batch, just as you are unleavened--for Messiah, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed.  Therefore let us celebrate the feast not with old hametz, the hametz of malice and wickedness, 
but with unleavened bread---the matzah of sincerity and truth.

---1Corinthians 5:7~8


  1. What lovely photos! I loved the symbolism... Matzah that tells us about new life in Yeshua and the new life of spring.. Beautiful :)

  2. Thank you Mrs N!
    Wishing you a beautiful and Happy Passover!
