Wednesday, April 12, 2017


We break the middle Matzah into two pieces and wrap one piece in linen. This is called the Afikomen.  Afikomen is from Greek and means `He who comes` or `I came`, or it may also mean `hidden`.

Wrapping the Afikomen.  I used a Cherry Blossoms patterned Tenugui, as the cloth to wrap it.  Since the Afikomen represents Yeshua, the cherry blossoms tenugui is fitting for the theme of His Resurrection that we celebrate in this season.

"But he was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by His stripes we are healed."       ---Isaiah 53:5

"And when He had taken matzah and offered the b`rachah, He broke it and gave it to them saying, `This is My body, given for you.  Do this in memory of Me. `"

---Luke 22:19

   Blessed are you, O  L-RD our G-d, King of the Universe, 
Who brings forth the True Bread from heaven.  Amen.

(All eat the Afikomen)


  1. What a beautiful post! It was such a blessed day. With everything that is happening on the world stage right now the beauty and peace of the time we shared together was so important to me - as I know it was to you! It was the physical manifestation of God's great shalom!

  2. Thank you Mrs. N! I am glad. And yes, Amen, it was such a special and peaceful day in His great Shalom!
    May His peace that goes beyond all understanding be present more and more in our hearts and lives and may many others come to know His Shalom and Salvation in Yeshua.
    Blessings and Love!
