Sunday, July 5, 2020

Childhood `Shalom` Postcard for Today, in Three Languages!!

Shalom I leave you, My shalom I give to you; but not as the world gives!  Do not let your heart be troubled or afraid.   John 14:27                  

わたしは平安をあなたがたに残して行く。わたしの平安をあなたがたに与える。わたしが与えるのは、世が与えるようなものとは異なる。あなたがたは心を騒がせるな、またおじけるな。 ヨハネによる福音書 14:27  

שלום אני משאיר לכם, את שלומי אני נותן לכם; לו כדרך שהעולם 
נותן אני נותן לכם.  אל נא יחת לבבכם ואל יירא.  יוחנן די27   

Blessings and Shalom!!


シャローム = שלום = 平安 = Shalom  (peace)


  1. It's a lovely, comforting verse. I hope you are well my friend and that all is well in Japan. Love and hugs. xoxo

    1. Thank you Joyful! Comforting, yes! That is a good word for the verse and His Peace!! Hope you are well too my friend!! Love and hugs!♡

  2. I love this beautiful drawing for your postcard and wish you the peace of Christ, dear Joanne!

  3. Oh thank you!! I receive your wishes of His peace and wish the same for you dear Hobbyloes and for us all !!xox♡

  4. I'm impressed of your being able to write the beautiful verse in hebrew and japanese (in addition to your native english)!
    Awsome postcard! but then you're very good at this kind of creative drawings, and you and your readers know that!

  5. Thank you Duta!
    Learning by doing, little by little:) Typing Hebrew on the keyboard seems so difficult! I wonder if there is a way I haven`t yet discovered, I still have to check the Hebrew keyboard chart and find the corresponding key!! For Japanese there is a way to type without having to check any diagrams, we can type in the way the Japanese words sound. A little hard to describe, but anyway,
    Toda Rabah! (hope I say it right?!). Blessings and Shalom!!♡

  6. I was going to ask whether you write Japanese script and then you have replied to your blog friend Duta and I get the answer. God is good helping us to gain skills that will be useful and will bless others. The shalom peace of the Lord be with you always.

    1. Thank you Linda! Praise God for helping us and giving us the ability to learn languages and use them to bless others for His glory. I receive your blessing of His Shalom! To you too, the LORD bless you and keep you and give you His Shalom, Peace!!♡

  7. Not as the world gives... This verse means so much to me!

  8. Amen!
    The peace that goes beyond all understanding...
