Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Blessing and Postcard!!

This postcard is inspired by summer, blessings, and the words `HU Itcha`, `He Is with you`
(did I get that right?!) 。
 The words come from the song  *THE BLESSING* in Hebrew   that you may all have seen by now!  You can hear it again here! (below).  
I may add a little to the post,  but for now this morning just wanted to share the postcard and the song and God`s goodness!!

The LORD Bless you and Keep you!!  ♡


  1. Thank you R♡
    The LORD bless you and keep you and give you His great SHALOM!

  2. Hi Shayndel,
    It's - HU Itcha Itcha, in one word, means you (singular).
    (hope you don't mind my correction).

    Nice song, good voice! Splendid postcard!

  3. Hi Duta,
    Thanks so much, that`s great, I am glad for your correction!!
    I changed it, and now , just a question if you don`t mind!!

    on the postcard is it strange that in English it says He is with us, and in Hebrew it says He is with you? I think its ok from an English perspective, but I wonder if it communicates ok ,
    Hope that makes sense!! You said it was splendid, so maybe that means its ok!! Glad you could enjoy the song!! The LORD bless you and keep you!!! And give you His great Shalom!!♡

  4. It's OK - HE's with us; sounds good. logical, and not strange at all.
    I just wanted to give you the literal form of itcha - 'with you' (singular).
    Thanks for your blessings.

  5. He is with us, Amen! Soooo beautiful, have a blessed Sunday ☺

  6. Amen!! Thank you Natalia!! You too, have a blessed Sunday and week ahead!! ♡

  7. Love your beautiful postcard and the blessing too!
