(note: written/drawn in the first week of Nissan, about 2 weeks ago!)
Nissan is the month of miracles. Its the month of redemption. The month of springime!! As I walk outside under the cherry blossoms I know it is a month of LIFE. Despite all of the news around us, or maybe from that and, needing to be light, I have decided to listen to what the Torah says and to who Yeshua is, and to choose "Life" .
I started to "journal" on this new year starting in Springtime, the first month on God's calendar, the month of Nissan.
I am taking this journey with prompts given by a "Spriraling UP" group formed by "His-Israel", a site you can see on my sidebar and which I think many of you have visited. You can also find it
HERE and for the Spiralling Up group if this post interests you to join in the "climb"!! I started this "climb" on last year's cycle but only got as far as the second month, so this year I hope to go through the whole year which has just begun and currently in the third week.
The first prompt is from a quote about Nissan as "eternally pregnant" and the second which we are actually asked to think of when we were pregnant and how that time of giving birth connected us to God. It could be an actual giving birth to our child, or another kind of giving birth in your life like to something new in your life or in terms of someone you have nurtured or given life to.
I started out thinking of my pregnancy. I came to live in Japan when I was five months pregnant!! That is a whole story in itself, but for this sharing I want to just share how I remember the first time I experienced the cherry blossoms in Japan was when I was nearing the time of giving birth, about 8 months pregnant, as my daughter was born in April!! Maybe that's why I love the cherry blossoms so much and feel such a deep connection to this time of year!!
When I had the image for this drawing, it was about when I was pregnant with my daughter, and as I colored it I felt it also spoke of me today, pregnant with the new creation that God is birthing in me, and my creative "self" being ready to be released and come forth!! How has this time of being inside released your "inner" aspirations?? |
I remember standing under the blossoms with my hands on my belly!! I remember feeling embraced by the delicate blossoms, and the peace and at the same time expectation to meet our daughter who was being made ready to emerge from her inner world, getting ready to come into this world of springtime. Today I took a walk under the blossoms and stood in that same spot, and made this drawing (above) as the second "prompt" for this Nissan cycle. I used the first "prompt" (top drawing) as a start, and expanded upon it, to bring the spirals of the water and blossoms into this view. I think its not only about being pregnant with my daughter, but it also is about my new birth in around this same time of year 6 years ago. Once I can connect with the healing and renewal in myself, I believe I can be more fully there for my daughter and that as I am healed, I feel that the healing goes to the generations as well, and forward to her and the generations to come. This drawing and process has been healing for me, and its a refreshment to go into this "inward" journey while we are for all intents and purposed on an "inner" time in our homes for the most part!!
And as I am posting this now, and reflections on giving birth, amazingly my daughter is turning 21~~!! Happy Birthday to you and many more, as you are becoming new each day and blossoming into the one you are made to be!
How has this time of being "inside" released your "inner" aspirations??
Blessings and Peace and Healing prayers for all! Some blossoms to follow!!
Much Love,