Sunday, May 26, 2019

Baptism in the Jordan

 After being immersed, Yeshua rose up out of the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Ruach Elohim descending like a dove and coming upon Him.  And behold, a voice from the heavens said, 
"This is My Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased!"

Matthew 3:16~17

I am going a little out of order here, but just wanted to immerse in the River and come out New before going on!!  It was very wonderful and freeing to have the opportunity to be immersed, in the Jordan River, the same place where Yeshua was baptized and where he came up with the the Ruach Elohim descending like a dove, and God from heaven exclaiming how pleased He is with His Son!! 

Even if baptized once, it is a wonderful chance to be baptized again and move closer in relationship to God  in re-newing our vows.  After all we are a new creation in Him and it makes sense that after several years pass, we are new from who we were then.  So when the chance arises, take the plunge!!  Keep on being re-newed and do not conform to the old ways. 

If it your first time, Mazel Tov!! And the second or third too is a chance to be born again and again born a-new! Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov!!
A little prayer for you who read this, I hope and pray that more and more of the truth will be revealed as of course it is being revealed, to all people about who Messiah Yeshua is!!!  I pray that even if a Jewish person comes across this post somewhere out there, or even from any other background or beliefs---as we all His children, that you will see the truth of your Messiah, and  The truth will set you free.     He is the Truth, but in our culture the truth is painted over with human hands and  it becomes so disguised, and we no longer even know we have been grown up on so many un-truths.  May the day come soon when you open to the knock that is knocking always,   you hear it one day and you return to our Heavenly Father through the Son, Yeshua!   Its  as if the veil is being torn anew before our very eyes when our eyes are open to the truth!!  How exciting!! Praise the LORD, His name in Hebrew is Yeshua, and you have seen it and you know it,  it means Salvation.
 Peace and God bless you to all who read this.  Love, Shayndel


  1. Great picture with you in ecstasy of being immersed in the Jordan river!
    Why do I need an intermediary to reach God? No,sorry, but I don't, even if the intermediary is God's son.

    1. Thanks Duta!! Only God knows who it will speak to, that prayer! Yeshua the Son brought me back to the Father just as His word says, and surely there were those before I was saved who were praying for me without even knowing me, (thank you whoever you are!) So I share it for whoever it might speak to because He is Life to whoever finds Him.
      Much love and blessing!♡

  2. I love the joy that comes in the immersion baptism. I remember mine well and your face just shines with the light of God through the indwelling HS. Shalom and God bless.

    1. Thank you Joyful! Happy to hear of your joy. I remember actually when I first heard of Jesus's baptism, from hearing that scripture...I had no idea about it, and it just touched my soul in a way I never imagined. Praise God for the indwelling HS! Shalom and God bless.♡

  3. "...but in our culture the truth is painted over with human hands and it becomes so disguised, and we no longer even know we have been grown up on so many un-truths."

    If you wanted to write a novel about modern times this one line would say everything.

    1. Thank you Sandi! That line just came out, so I appreciate how you noticed it and saw that in it!! Will keep it in mind if I ever do move forward on the book (smile smile)!! God bless! Shalom!♡

  4. How wonderful to be baptized again, and in the Jordaan, amazing!
    Oh, how wonderful to be there.
    My father has been there too and it gave him renewed powers and felt God very close.

  5. Thank you Hobbyloes!
    Praise God!
    So awesome to hear that about your Dad! So wonderful that He was renewed and given new strength from his being in Israel!! May we all be strengthened by drawing near God, and may His Living Water and Holy Spirit pour out on more and more people in Israel and all throughout the world.. With each one who is healed, may multitudes be healed, and Saved!!! God Bless you. Thanks for sharing!!♡
