L`Shanah Tovah U`metukah!
Happy and sweet new year 5784 to you and your loved ones, and to all Israel!
Chag Yom Teruah Sameach!
Happy Feast of Trumpets!
Love ,
L`Shanah Tovah U`metukah!
Happy and sweet new year 5784 to you and your loved ones, and to all Israel!
Chag Yom Teruah Sameach!
Happy Feast of Trumpets!
Love ,
Blessings in the new month of Elul! (though already as I am posting this we are already well into the month and almost the full moon!!)
The sixth month on the Hebrew calendar is a time of repentance and return to God, a time of preparation to meet our Messiah and crown Him as King, in anticipation of the Fall Feasts of Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur, culminating with tabernacling with Him, as One with each other at the Feast of Sukkot!
Also in this month it is said to be a time of drawing near to the beloved and a time when `the King is in the Fields`. The verse above from Song of Songs is also associated with Elul. *
* The 4 letters from the first letter of each word of the verse, spell out the word ELUL in the Hebrew!
I find that in this month the LORD speaks to me in intimate ways and even shows how He is hearing my heart and bringing things to pass in a way that is very .... Elul!
That`s the only way I can describe it! So let me give it a go with the Elul Story about the Shabbat Flowers!
Since I returned to celebrating the Shabbat, here in Japan, I always love to buy flowers on Friday afternoons to welcome the Shabbat. The joy of walking home with flowers through the city is a great delight. I experience it as a wonderful time, bathed in His love, like a child excited to give flowers to her Daddy or a wife to her husband on their special day. Yeshua says keep My commandments, abide in My love, and make my joy complete!
So on with the story,
When I buy flowers on Friday afternoons, I also try to picture how it must be in Israel, the women scurrying to do their shopping and greeting one another with their bouquets on their way to their homes for Shabbat. This picture of the city filled with joy for Shabbat and for honoring the beloved Yeshua, the LORD of Shabbat, bubbles up in my heart with joy!! I have longed for my city that we would honor God`s Shabbat and the women would be out on the streets like that on Friday afternoon, doing their shopping to make a special meal for the family, and in the flower shop greeting each other with, Shabbat Shalom! In Japanese,
I have been going to the same flower shop that is close to where I live, and have developed a friendly relationship with them. Over the years have shared a little about Shabbat with he staff since they always see me on Friday, a few have asked about that!
Recently God has opened a door and answered a prayer to share about Shabbat in the local church. They are a small congregation who loves Israel and has become interested in returning to do the things of God and connecting to our Jewish root in the faith, as `one new man` in Messiah.
We had our first Shabbat last month, and already the second one this past Shabbat which was also the beginning of the month of Elul.
This church is right down the street from the flower shop where I buy flowers, so I was excited both times to order a `delivery` of Shabbat flowers to the church to have for our Shabbat to honor the LORD and make a beautiful table for our celebration.
The first time when I placed the order I asked if they could write `Shabbat Shalom` in Japanese on the card. And they did.
Then when I came again the next time I once again asked if they could write the same message.
When I came into the flower shop later that afternoon, I saw the arrangement was in the glass case, and the words `Shabbat Shalom` on the message card filled my heart with joy!!
It was like a first `drop` from Heaven of the glimmer of the vision of the Shabbat being honored in Japan! ( I shared a little about this vision of Shabbat in Japan in an early post HERE). And more than that, it is the LORD of Shabbat, Yeshua, being honored in Japan when we observe Shabbat we say clearly that we are giving honor and praise and glory to the God of the Bible, the God of Creation, the God of Israel who invites us all to be a part of His glorious Kingdom through Messiah Yeshua!!
Glory to His Name!! Oh LORD how we pray for all the nations to know you, the Holy One, and the Maker of Heaven and Earth, Saviour of all the world..., maybe it will be one Shabbat bouquet at a time!!
Hence I call it an Elul story, as it takes place in this month of repentance and return! A month when `the King is in the fields` and where we seek the face of the beloved from the `fields` where we are and may He meet us here!
With love to all and to all be God`s Love!!❤️
Love, Shayndel
He has brought me to the banquet house
and his banner over me is love.
Song of Songs 2:4
pS i just found the post where I first had the prayer/vision about Shabbat in Japan, amazingly it was 6 years ago!! Thank you LORD for hearing my prayer and bringing such encouragement in this Elul!! I pray for multiplication and seeing it come about more and more by the power of Your Ruach Ha Chodesh, even to be a revival of the Shabbat Shalom ・Teshuvah kind!!
Quoting from the post, this line below:
I am so excited for when the people of Japan will know ADONAI and will celebrate the Shabbat, and on Friday afternoons people will greet each other in the town with シャバット・シャローム ,
Shabbat Shalom! As they scurry to buy food and flowers and prepare for Shabbat!
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Can you see the number on the scale? It is `91`! which led me to Psalm 91 for the `Word` in Challah! |
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Raah, Behold! |
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Yeshua |
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Man cannot live by bread alone! But from every word from the mouth of God! |
To Life and Salvation in Yeshua!Much Love,❤️
“Then it will happen, as a result of your listening to these ordinances, when you keep and do them, that Adonai your God will keep with you the covenant kindness that He swore to your fathers.He will love you, bless you and multiply you. He will also bless the fruit of your womb and the produce of your soil, your grain and your new wine and your oil, the increase of your herds and the young of your flock, in the land that He swore to your fathers to give you.
Deuteronomy 7:12~13 (first lines of Parsha EKEV)
AHAVA Parsha Ekev Prayer Sheet HERE(this week)AHAVE Parsha Re`eh Prayer Sheet HERE (coming week)
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Reading this week in EKEV, the Torah is A love letter from Abba 💌 ❤️ |
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Draw me after you, let us run!
The king has brought me into his chambers.(Chorus: Daughters of Zion)
Let us rejoice and be glad in you;
let us extol your love more than wine.
Rightly do they love you!Song of Songs 1:4, Let us sing it together!
Dear Friends,
Happy to see you again, and to return after another unplanned blog break, this time with a new and `unleavened` header!! I hope you are all well.
The holiday of Pesach, or Passover, is approaching. It`s time to change the header of my blog from leavened to un-leavened bread!
Praise the L-RD we have entered into His first month of Springtime, the first month on His Biblical Calendar. In the bible whenever you see a verse that references the first month, if it is after the Exodus from Egypt, it is referring to this very month we are in now!!
We give thanks as we enter into the month of AVIV, also known as the month of Springtime, also known as Nisan. It is the month of Redemption, Renewal, of Passover, of Freedom!!
Chodesh Tov! We pray a time of new beginnings for you and your family and for all that G-d is calling you to!!
This month will mark the beginning of months for you; it is to be the first month of the year for you.
Exodus 12:2
More to follow ~~ I hope to get back to posting again in this favorite season here at Challah and Cherry Blossoms, as the Cherry blossoms have just started to open announcing the glory of G-d and the expectation for new life in Yeshua as we align in His first month of Springtime and prepare our hearts...and homes... for the coming Passover!
Therefore let us celebrate the feast not with old hametz, the hametz of malice and wickedness, but with unleavened bread—the matzah of sincerity and truth.
1 Corinthians 5:8
Blessings and Love,
Note about the pictue, for the record: I just received a delivery of matzah!! I am rejoicing because on my calendar I have marked `order Matzah` on tomorrow`s plan, and already I have received it!! Praise God, and may He always go ahead of us! May His shalom and AHAVA Love be multiplied to you!
Shavu`a Tov! Have a blessed week!
Love, 💛 Shayndel
In days to come Jacob will take root,
Israel will bud and blossom
and fill all the world with fruit.
Isaiah 27:6
Yes! The grapefruits are Jaffa Sweetie from Israel. At Tu B`Shevat we were able to find them in our local supermarket in a small city in the South of Japan! Baruch HaShem! The prophetic verse is already coming to pass as Israel sends her delicious fruit out into the world. I am so thankful to receive them here. I remember the very first time I saw an Israel fruit in our local supermarket in Japan (HERE!), it was also Tu B`Shevat!! Once we open our hearts to love and pray for Israel, Heaven hears and God sends fruit! The land of Israel becomes closer and closer, and we too get closer to our return.
But you, mountains of Israel, you will shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit for My people Israel; for their return is near.
Ezekiel 36:8
Taste and see how good the LORD is.
15 Shevat, 5783
Happy Tu B`Shevat!
PS adding a verse with `my word` this year, inheritance, and how beautiful to go with the fruit of Tu B`shevat in all its prophetic splendour, and there will be a `sowing of Shalom`! Thank you LORD! We speak it forward on this very Tu B`Shevat today as the sap courses through the trees and they awaken in spring, and your Ruach courses through the spirit of your people to return to our inheritance in You!
For there will be a sowing of shalom: the vine will yield its fruit, the ground will produce its increase, and the heavens will give their dew. I will cause the remnant of this people to inherit all these things.
Zechariah 8:12
כִּי-זֶרַע הַשָּׁלוֹם, הַגֶּפֶן תִּתֵּן פִּרְיָהּ וְהָאָרֶץ תִּתֵּן אֶת-יְבוּלָהּ, וְהַשָּׁמַיִם, יִתְּנוּ טַלָּם; וְהִנְחַלְתִּי, אֶת-שְׁאֵרִית הָעָם הַזֶּה--אֶת-כָּל-אֵלֶּה
I will Sing to the LORD for He is Highly Exalted!
The Horse and rider He has thrown into the sea!!
Exodus 15:1
This Shabbat is called Shabbat Shirah, the Shabbat of Song! Because in this week`s parsha (Torah Portion) we read of how God split the sea for the Children of Israel to go through on dry land and bring about their Deliverance in the Exodus from Egypt. They sing the powerful and victorious song of the Sea!
We also read the song of Deborah in the Haftarah portion, and the Song of the Lamb in the book of Revelation!
God inhabits the Praises of His People!
Sing to Yeshua!
This Shabbat let us join our voices and hearts with all Israel and all who are singing this song, and let be united in our Praise as one with the Jewish people, and join our voices with the Heavenly Host who are most certainly singing this song today!
LORD we know that you put Your Name on Jerusalem, and your Heavenly throne is above the Great City of the KIng! As we sing, facing Jerusalem, may you hear us from Heaven and send your Ruach to breakthrough the enemy plan and bring Victory that YOUR Salvation, Your Yeshua! be known and Your Name be Glorified in Israel and all the world, even on this Shabbat Shirah!!♪💕🎶
~from the Song of the Lamb, Revelation 15:3
Song of Moses and Miriam
Then Moses and Bnei-Yisrael sang this song to Adonai: I will sing to Adonai, for He is highly exalted! The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea.
🎶Listen to Jonathan Settel, Song of Moses HERE!!
Mi Kamocha! Ein Kamocha!
There is none like You!
Great and Marvelous! Are your works, LORD God Almighty....
And they sing... 🎶
*note: for my records, this verse, Exodus 15:17 in Song of the Sea, is another verse with my word of the year, inheritance!
Besorah for the Brokenhearted
The Ruach of Adonai Elohim is on me,
because Adonai has anointed me
to proclaim Good News to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim liberty to the captives,
and the opening of the prison to those who are bound, to proclaim the year of Adonai’s favor
and the day of our God’s vengeance,
to comfort all who mourn to console those who mourn in Zion,
to give them beauty for ashes,
the oil of joy for mourning,
the garment of praise
for the spirit of heaviness,
that they might be called oaks of righteousness,
the planting of Adonai,
that He may be glorified.
Isaiah 61:1~3
Dear Father,
It was on Shabbat. It was on International Holocaust Remebrance Day. It was on the Shabbat of reading about the night that You set your people free and started the Exodus from Egypt. We join our hearts with Israel and remember the 7 victims of the terrorist attack that took place on that night outside a synagogue in Jerusalem on that Friday night, even there was a boy only 14 years old, the all too young Asher was among the victims that night who was heinously killed. We pray for your comfort to all who mourn and thank You that You are the One who consoles those who mourn in Zion.
We pray for comfort for all the families of the 7 victims, complete healing for any that survived the attacks, and protection from any more attacks and cessation of these acts of terror.
We pray for both
Jew and Arab, Christian and Moslem, for a healing of the hatred and
the pulling out of the root of evil that would cause a young 21 year old
in the prime of life, a life that was given by You dear Father, to use this precious gift of life and carry out such a horrendous act to go out and intentionally kill, to
intentionally destroy, and to have such a hate that was taught through generations even specifically against the Jewish people.
We repent, LORD, that we have seen many years of such hate growing and perhaps could be doing much more. Especially to pray for Israel as your word says, may we take no rest until you make Jerusalem a praise in all the earth. You are the God who is `Zealous for Zion` and to restore your people to the land. Could it be that this is a wake up to the Body of Messiah as well. We ask you open our spiritual eyes towards Jerusalem and help us to know how to pray so we can act ahead of the evil and close doors which have been open to allow such rampant acts of hate. May our forgiveness and reconciliation between one another bring about a greater release of forgiveness and reconcilliation and healing amongst all peoples, and hasten the return of Messiah to put Your feet on Zion once more, speedliy and in our day.
We also ask for a breaking down of and a total getting rid of the teachings and education system where youths are taught by adults to kill and to hate. We pray for a softening of all hearts to forgive and to reconcile and to put down the guns and the knives and that soon they will indeed be changed to plowshares as all will call upon the Name of the LORD.
Father we give you thanks for your Mercy and loving kindness, and for your grace in the name of Your Beloved Son Yeshua.
And now continuing in the verse, as this is the week of Shabbat of Song, we proclaim Victory in Yeshua. We also pray for a hastening of turning of mourning into joy and may Israel come into the next Shabbat , we ask you to give them beauty for ashes,
the oil of joy for mourning,
the garment of praise
for the spirit of heaviness. After the days of the Shiva (first 7 days of mourning), may there be singing the song of Salvation, singing the Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb as this will be the Shabbat of Song. May no plan of the enemy come against the breaking forth in song by all Israel as we are reading this very week in the splitting of the sea. Breakforth oh LORD with Your Deliverance!!!
Save us O Lord and we shall be saved! Heal us and we shall be healed. The LORD is our Strength and our Song. He has also become our Yeshua!
Blessings and Love,
Instead of your shame, double portion.
instead of disgrace they will sing for joy.
Therefore in their land they will inherit a double portion;
they will have everlasting joy.
Isaiah 61:7
Shabbat Shalom!
Come, let us worship and bow down.
Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.
For He is our God,
and we are the people of His pasture,
the flock of His hand.
Psalm 95:6~7
This Shabbat we are in Parsha Bo. Bo means `Come`, and we are reading about the Exodus and the Passover.
Yesterday was International Holocaust Remembrance Day for the nations, It marks the day of liberation of the Auschwitz Death Camp and is a day that was established for the nations to never forget the horrific mass murder of 6 million Jewish people during the Holocaust.
It is for the nations to remember and to know this horrific history, and through knowledge and education be empowered to make decisions to pave a future where it can never happen again.
I attended (on zoom!) a live webinar for this day in
Japan. It was offered to us through the Jewish Community of Japan. I
was glad that they are encouraging education and awareness for the
Japanese people to know about the Holocaust. Yom HaShoah, the
remembrance day in Israel, is commemorated later in the spring.
and educating the younger generations is timely with what we are
learning in this week's parsha, even as the book of Shemot starts with
Pharaoh's plan to get rid of the Jewish people. He saw the Jewish
people as a `threat` to him purely by being numerous and prosperous and
signaled them out to destroy them through such `methods` as back
breaking labor and the decree on boy children. But as we know the enemy
plan is never going to come to be and this week`s very subject is the
Great and mighty Hand of God`s deliverance and His power and dominion
over all.
Sadly and tragically, since I drafted this post there was an incident in Jerusalem motivated by what seems to be this same hatred, a terrorist attack at a synogogue in Jerusalem. May the LORD bring comfort to the families and to all Jerusalem.
May there be an outpouring of LOVE of Israel and the
Jewish People released on this day from all over the world including
from us in the Body of Messiah. May we see the end of anti-Semitism
everywhere and by our love may we prepare for the Redemption and return
of Messiah.
Please find my weekly AHAVA Prayer sheet HERE to pray for your loved ones and Israel from scriptures related to the Torah portion of the week.
Here is a brief summary of the Parsha Bo and reflections from the Prayer Sheet!:
God grants a new beginning to the children of Israel from slavery to redemption through the Exodus. In our parsha this week, He marks the beginning of months, establishes the first month of Spring and the Passover offering. All this just before the tenth plague of the first born where the homes of the children of Israel are “Passed over” and marked by the blood of the lamb.
Our new life begins when we are redeemed in the blood of the Lamb, our Messiah Yeshua. He himself the Passover lamb. We are told over and over in the Torah to remember the story of the Exodus and tell it to our children throughout the generations. We tell it as part of the kiddush which is said every Friday night at Shabbat, where we remember the Exodus from Egypt and God’s great love in which He guided us and redeemed us.
May our children be eager to learn and know God,
and may our families, loved ones, community, and all of Israel
“Come” to Yeshua!
The Ruach and the bride await, saying,
“But you, fear not, Jacob My servant,
nor be dismayed, O Israel.
For behold, I will save you from afar,
your offspring from the land of their exile.
And Jacob will return and be at peace and secure,
no one frightening him.
Jeremiah 46:27
(from this week`s Haftarah reading)