Thursday, February 27, 2020

The other side of fear , a true story from today

Today I had an experience of a very clear hearing the voice of the LORD.
It came at once, in a split second almost like a "flash" and yet it was several full sentences.
I am writing this down so I can remember and have a testimony to myself that it happened this way, and so I can know that today I heard the voice of the LORD.

This is what He said:

Go to the pool.  The pool that you love, and swim. 
There will be very few people there, as many people are not going due to fear of the virus.  
So you can enjoy the pool, and without worry.  It is fine, as I am telling you to go.
So go.  Have a good swim.  The pool temperature is even warm.

So I went.  I was not planning to go to the pool today or the gym because of the very fear that He mentioned, but when I heard Him say this, I knew it was fine to go.  So I packed my pool bag and quickly went.

When I got there it was just as He said.  There were few cars or bicycles in the parking lot, and it was very quiet.  The woman's locker room was empty except one other woman.  I knew this was a divine encounter, as I sensed when He told me to "go" that there might be some such person!!

Anyway, I swam and it was indeed warm, 30.6 degrees Celcius.

I was feeling a great peace in knowing that I had a word from the LORD to be here, and so I tried to keep my focus on Him and on the great blessing of enjoying this swim on a day where there was so much uncertainty in the air.

Then I met the woman again after as we both were again in the locker room, and we sat in the lobby and chatted as I told her with all boldness how I had come to the pool today by the word of God.

We entered into a time of such great peace, and the whole time at the pool, it was a feeling of having come on the other side of fear.  The staff and the few people there were very happy and friendly and enjoying the quiet at the pool in a closeness of just being there and having made it there on such a day.  My new friend and I chatted and we prayed and we gave thanks to Yeshua.

Hearing His voice is what I want to remember and that is why I am writing it down, so I don't doubt that today I heard the clear and certain voice of the LORD.

Blessings and a Peace-full day to you.
Shalom Aleichem.
Peace be with you.



PS the pictures in this post are the ones I  colored from the post below!  I call them "Mishpatim Love".


  1. All His ways are pleasantness, all His paths are peace.

    I think there is something strange about this virus. There seems to be a great panic, but... did you know it has a 98% recovery rate?

    1. Amen!
      Thank you for sharing the scripture, Sandi.

      I didn't know that about the recovery rate. Its certainly good to hear that. Welcoming to hear any positive report!!
      Blessings and Shalom dear Sandi!!

  2. Thank you for the pictures to colour in and for your testimony of the Lord's guidance today. I'm reminded of the scripture Joshua 1v9. Blessings. ��

    1. You're welcome and Thank you Linda for sharing the verse! I receive the word and strengthening from the scripture!!

  3. I envy you for two things:
    1. the experience of having heard the Lord's voice
    2. your knowing to swim. Sadly, I've never learnt to swim.

    1. Hi Duta, thank you for your comment. I hope if either of those are something you would like to experience, that you would go for it!! Especially seeking the LORD to hear His voice. Actually, we hear His voice in many ways, so I would encourage you to seek Him and tell Him, that you long to hear His voice. It is His desire to be in relationship with us, so let Him know that, and listen for how He will speak to you, and reveal Himself to you in all His wonderous ways!!
      About swimming, at the pool where I go there are a lot of people who started swimming in their 60's and even 70's and maybe even 80!! A lot of people also do "walking" in the pool. I don't know if you have a place to swim nearby, or where they have swimming class, but if its in your heart to try, I hope you might enjoy it!! Blessings! ♡

  4. What an exciting experience for you. I'm so glad you listened and were able to enjoy a nice time at the pool. Like Duta I never learned to swim and have a deep fear of the water. However I still like to go to the pool when I can, albeit not so often, and splash around in the shallow end as well as spend time in whirlpool and sauna.

    It is interesting that I just read about your government suspending school on the same day I read your post about hearing from God. I pray that the virus is well contained soon. I heard the other day that some Canadian researchers feel they are close to figuring this out as they are working from something done in response to SARS several years back. Let's hope and pray they are on the right track. Last but not least, I've gone back and looked at 4-5 blog posts of yours as I'm a bit behind on all things social media. I loved all your posts and hopefully I can catch a few of your challah casts soon too. God bless. xx

  5. Hi Joyful, Thank you for your enthusiastic reply. Praise and Glory to God!

    It sounds nice that you can overcome your fear of the water enough to enjoy it and splash around in the shallow end!! Like I wrote to Duta, I would encourage you about swimming if its something you want to try!! But I better not be too pushy:))) I just happen to love swimming, so I encourage it!!:)

    Thank you for your prayers. I agree with your prayer for it to be well contained soon and yes, lets hope and pray the researchers will come up with an effective response. Thankful for them. Thank you for sharing that. Yes, the schools are closed from Monday as a preventative measure... Its a little lonely around here as many people are not going out and many events are closed. Keep in touch:))!! Glad to hear from you!! And thanks for reading the posts, enjoy the challah casts if you have a chance, thank you for your kindnesses. God bless!xxo

    1. Hi Shayndel, I just wanted to let you know that I have been trying to learn how to swim off and on for decades already! I sometimes do well then something happens and I don't get to the water again for long then I find it's like starting all over again. I am grateful for the small things I can do. Sometimes it's more and sometimes it's less.

      By the way, I heard it isn't just Canadians with a possible treatment for coronavirus (I think they are in China right now doing the trial) but also Israeli researchers.

    2. Thank you Joyful for sharing on both counts!! I like that! To be grateful for the things we can do, whether more or less. Your splashing in the pool actually sounds really fun!!! It is a blessing and sounds like a joy!! Glad to hear that about the research getting closer to a treatment, from Canadians in China, and Israeli researchers!! Praise God!♡
