Thursday, August 16, 2018

Love and Words and Bread!

(note:  I started this post draft some time ago, maybe two weeks or so! I haven`t really been on the blog so much, maybe because summer heat, family, giving out fans, et al!! Look forward to visit you soon and meanwhile just catching up a little on a post or two!! Note when I say `this week`s parsha` or a week ago parsha, it is actually by now two weeks ago, will hope to be up to date shortly in  a post or so!! much love, Shayndel)
Diary/Reflections/Drawings on this weeks Parsha, Parsha Eikev, Because
If you love me you will keep my Commandments.    --John 14:15
Since God knows I love challah and I love making challah for His Shabbat, He showed me a scene, on Shabbat, of rolling hills of challah.   As soon as I saw them I ran to dance over them to meet him as He reaches down to me!!And made the drawing below (in the post below).

In this past weeks parsha is the famous scripture that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. (see Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4, Deuteronomy 8:3 from this weeks Parsha Eikev)

You may not be surprised, I am particularly attracted to scriptures about bread.  

Also this parsha is, as I talked before a few posts down, getting to the end of the fifth book of the Torah cycle and the cycle is winding down to the end. Which means also winding up to the beginning, and all over this book we see....

1. Love

what a Love story the Torah is between God and His people!!

This is another drawing/collage to express the Love story that is written in His word.

It is the word AHAVA, Love, in Hebrew letters.  More than a drawing, I guess you could say its a collage and an idea for another fan!  (Those who know the LOVE sculpture and the AHAVA sculpture, both famous worldwide, will see how they influenced my design with added Japanese touches!)

Equating love with the keeping of God`s commandments is expressed throughout the Torah and throughout the book of Deuteronomy it is emphatic.  .

In the book of Deuteronomy (called Devarim in Hebrew)  several times the commandment is "These words which I command you this day...."  are always in context with "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart".  This time as I was reading those scriptures repeatedly, it was a very clear connection between loving the Lord and keeping His commandments.

2.  Words

Devarim, Word.  AHAVA, Love.  Mitzvot, commandment.

When asked what is the greatest commandment, Yeshua replies it is to Love the Lord with all your heart.  And after that to Love your neighbor as yourself.  In this reply, He leads us to the entire word of God, and as He is the Living Word, He leads us to Himself.  When we read the Words (Devarim) it helps us to understand what it means to LOVE.

3.  Bread

This week`s parsha (actually its last weeks as I started this post then but now posting it and its already a week later!)  has the famous scripture that man cannot live on bread alone but by the words that come out of the mouth of God.

As you might imagine, as a person who loves to make Challah, I am particularly attracted to scriptures about bread!  

When I made the drawing in the post just below), it seemed fitting in the parsha Ekev!! Though I learned the Parsha is very specific to the land of Israel and its blessings, I saw this vision of dancing and running on mountains of rolling challah!! It could be that the bread is what will take us back to the Land!!

I am the Bread of Life      --John 6:35

No one comes to the Father except through Me.    --John 14:6

Love, Words, Bread.
These are the words that stood out for me in this week's reading.
What words that are in your heart this week?

Love and Blessings!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Beautiful scriptures, beautiful drawings, beautiful challah. My so many wonderful things in today's post. You've shared some of my favourite scriptures about bread and the first two (and greatest) commandments. I try in different ways to show my love for God through his commandment that we are to love one another too.

    In my heart this week are the words 'trust' and 'faith' (Proverbs 3:5-6 & Hebrews 11:6).

    I can understand how time can fly between posts. Sometimes life just gets busy or sometimes we just need to spend more time with family or God or doing the things he would have us do.

    Blessings to you dear Shayndel.

  3. Thank you Joyful! Being away for a little and like being away from friends, so glad to hear from you! I love the scriptures you shared about `trust` and `faith`.  Thank you for sharing them, both the words and the scriptures. I looked them up right away!

    Yes, that`s true about sometimes needing to spend the time as you described. Interesting how blogging too is something God would have us do and then at times being away is also guided from Him.

    Leads us to the scripture you quoted!

    Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
    lean not on your own understanding.
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3: 5~6

    Blessings to you Joyful!!♡

  4. Bread, whether challa or not, is the basis of human food.
    Words (Devarim)like Love (ahava)can heal or kill. God can guide us in the right direction.
    The challa in your picture outshines itself.

  5. Thank you Duta. Yes, it's true, and how we need His guidance!! Timely words, as in the reading this week (well, last week by now) exactly that where it starts with a blessing and a curse, how that is determined by our own choice of whether we choose to listen to and follow the way he instructs us to go!! Thank you your kind words about the challah!! Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
