Saturday, February 11, 2023

Torah and Tatami, Challah and Blossoms

 O how I love Your Torah!
It is my meditation all day.
Psalm 119:97

Shavu`a Tov! Have a blessed week!

Love, 💛 Shayndel

Please find my AHAVA prayer sheet from this week`s Parsha Yitro to pray for your families and nations and Israel HERE:
Praying from the Parsha, Moving onto God`s Kingdom Calendar




  1. Torah scrolls and blossoms go well together. Shavua Tov!

  2. Thank you Duta.
    I agree. Both are wonderful gifts from from God Himself, the Maker of Heaven and earth. Thank you for always bringing encouragement through your words and heart of love. 💛
    Shavu`a Tov!

  3. I have always loved the cherry tree, and had one when we lived in West Wales. So true that if we love God and follow the Words of truth that His Son Jesus speaks to us then we have a peace that passes all understanding. God bless.

    1. Hi Brenda. Thank you for sharing about your cherry tree in Wales and that it brings good memories for you. Are you from Wales? Amen and May the peace of God that is beyond all understanding be with you in Messiah Yeshua. Blessings and `Shavu`a Tov` , a good week to you.💛

  4. Hey, friend! So nice of you to drop by my place. I got excited to see you. I agree with the others. The cherry blossoms and the Torah go well together! Shalom.

    1. Hi Mary! Thank you for returning the visit!! Happy to see you too. Enjoy spring blossoms where you are! Blessings and Shalom!💛Love, Shayndel

  5. How did I miss this???


  6. 🌸🌸🌸
    Thank you Sandi for finding it!
    Blessings and blossoms!💛
