Saturday, April 7, 2018

Counting Up!

Passover has passed and it was a wonderful week in a world full of blossoms!!

I went to a seder in Tokyo this year.  It was my first time in a Synagogue in Japan.  No photos were allowed, and I think that is good, as we can get so photo crazy, myself included, and its nice that there are times and places where we need to put away our cameras and just be in the experience. 

I feel the special connection between the Passover and the season of Cherry blossoms in Japan so beautifully, and I did enjoy taking pictures while in Tokyo for my daughters entrance ceremony to university.  It was a special time to be there for her new milestone

As I had time to wander on my own, the subject that intrigued me while there was, yes, you guessed it, Matzah! And Cherry blossoms!. Please stay tuned for a series of posts, as my blog for these weeks has become not Challah and Cherry Blossoms, but Matzah and Cherry Blossoms. 

Today is the 9th day of Counting the Omer, as we count "up" from Passover to the feast of Shavuot.

Blessings and love.  Hope you are enjoying a beautiful and blossoming season wherever you are!

Here its been very windy and any remaining blossoms are blowing in the wind, making a pink carpet over the ground and giving way to new green.




  1. Lovely post. I look forward to your posts about the Tokyo visit. It's windy here too across the ocean from you, and raining. I'm afraid I haven't gotten out much to see the Cherry blossoms.

  2. Thank you Joyful! I hope the weather clears and wishing you many sunny days ahead! ♡

  3. Congratulations and Good Luck to your daughter on the occcasion of her starting university studies!
    Indeed, one gets often "photo crazy" , but it's a good feeling, one of excitement and satisfaction.
